Political Opinion

@Markaria - as ever, long on opinion, short on facts.


They donā€™t believe in ā€œfactsā€ mate = Their ā€œOpinionā€ is just as valid as our Facts - Thatā€™s Postmodernism at itā€™s root - Men are women if they say they are !

Objective truth doesnā€™t exist - Words are just weapons and you can string them together in any way which is to your advantage - the end justifies teh means and they are so virtuous - they KNOW they are right and you are EVIL !

You state verifiable Facts and Objective truth = They spout Assertions and ā€œNarrativesā€ from their sad indoctrination.!

All they can do is draw pictures - Itā€™s in their creed !

[Interesting too that he changed his avatar away from ā€œScalles of justiceā€ - after I called him out on it - affter waiting ā€œa decent intervalā€ - I wondered whether he would settle on another one or would have to keep changing it every time he visited to show he has ā€œno affinityā€ - seems he has chosen the latter path ! :slightly_smiling_face: ]


Very true! Interestingly, I just finished watching the linked video in which the interviewee, a reformed Democrat, says,

ā€œWhatā€™s fascinating is that the Left canā€™t articulate arguments. They canā€™t even have debates. They canā€™t have discussions. They donā€™t know why they believe what they believe.ā€

If you have a few minutes, watch this very interesting interview of a Psychologist who specializes in bullying!

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Another day and the thought Police are up and about in Melbourneā€¦ Police can smash down your door and arrest youā€¦ all for a FaceBook postā€¦!!

Victoria is now world famous with over 8.2 million views in 24 hours of the previous videoā€¦ And our State Premier todayā€¦ ā€œOh, I have not seen the footage of that arrestā€¦!!ā€ Is even being reported in Russian news servicesā€¦

This is going on all over Melbourneā€¦ Most are having their phones confiscated to stop this stuff getting outā€¦ It just gets better and better in the Socialist State of Victoriaā€¦

Minority Report 2020ā€¦ Arrested BEFORE you attend an anti-lockdown protestā€¦


Ok, if your definition of socialism does not adhere to these, then is it the case that you define socialism as the autocrats have done, control of the poor, power for the elite etcā€¦?

Christianity is much more than these - itā€™s thinking outside the box of then and now.

Turn the other cheek is followed by giving your cloak - poor people had to pledge their coat which had to be returned by nightfall in indebtedness in court loan proceedings.

Would the banks offer to not take your cloak because they respect your difficulties?

Edit: ever wonder why the right cheek? - in that culture it was and still is a sign of contempt - the strike was by the back of the hand onto the right side - seen as the highest possible insult.

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How do you define autocrat?

Lol - I see youā€™ve never argued with an Irishman before ! :wink:

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Thanks for those leads @Trendswithbenefits - Iā€™ve done what I can to share - Now take a look at the opposition situation ! ;


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Some people in Europe are taking comfort from the UK steadfast Brexit stance - We are being cheered on by millions and our success in forcing the BBC to do a U TURN on The patriotic songs is beingwell received across the continent. NOW the BBC have a new boss - attacking Wokeness !

Letā€™s just hope he has the Gonads to carry it through.


Censorship and the desperate attempts at controlling the narrative.

Must Watch!!!

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Hereā€™s a quote from Noor bin Ladin, niece of terrorist Osama bin Laden, raised and living in Switzerland

ā€œI have been a supporter of President Trump since he announced he was running in the early days in 2015. I have watched from afar and I admire this manā€™s resolve,ā€ she said.

ā€œHe must be reelected ā€¦ Itā€™s vital for the future of not only America, but western civilization as a whole.ā€

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Red Pill

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@CarlosRay - I demand to see the full evidence of Your assertion !! :roll_eyes:

Iā€™m not seeing much about President Trumpā€™s absolutely excellent proposal to ban ā€œCRITICALL RACE THEORY preachingā€ coming from USA sources - Are they keeping you in ignorance ?

Anyhow hereā€™s a pretty good report from Sargon of Akkad - First 10 minutes are his analysis - then he goes on to critique the base of the theory and objectives by discussing the basic book and intentions.

If you donā€™t have any great fear of allowing this garbage to proceed - You should listen to the whole thing !

OK so the Presidentā€™s action is only a start - BUT HELL - Itā€™s a Great start !

And sadly here in the uk - they are proposing to make our own Army ā€œWokeā€ - Hopefully we shall follow the Presidentā€™s excellent lead when we get Brexit done !

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What a bunch!

But @Markaria, have you lived under any one from either group?


I think you forgot to add Xi from China in the against row?

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LOL. How convenient.