Political Opinion

And I think Iran is running out of the billions they got from Obama/Biden before and
is probably hoping to get Joe back?

Tucker Carlson - gives a true reasoning

And here we have an analysis !

Who is John Galt ?

Very strange endorsement. Why are they asking her?

Interesting videoā€¦ Althoughā€¦ not a revelation to some of usā€¦

Exactly the same issues within the Australian mediaā€¦


Here in uk we have just had a new head man appointed to whip the BBC into shape ! - He has decreed that ā€œBias must go!ā€ and commentators should NOT express opinions on Social Media.

Well I have listened to Radio 4 for the last couple of days and there HAVE been a few real Conservatives / Brexiteers interviewed - You can actually hear the difficulty the presenters are having trying SO hard to be neutral and trying to stop themselves from interrupting and talking over these people and ALMOST getting there ! You can truly feel the tension in them trying to do it properly !

I have to say it has been a much better experience getting somewhere Near a balanced view !

I donā€™t expect it will last - but hey itā€™s a pleasant change ! - I havenā€™t Once thrown anything at the radio for 2 days now - And neither have I just turned it off in disgust !

Now if he can address the huge racial bias and pervasive misandry which infests the place - we might just have a decent station again !

Who am I kidding ?? :roll_eyes:


Tucker is on every week night at 8PM here in the states. His viewership has really increased to #2 behind Hannity for cable news at night and a lot of that from the 25-40 crowd, not just all us old fogies.


There is a saying ;

"The Truth Will Out !"

Itā€™s great to hear that the poor miseducated and misled Millenials are seeknig to find the REAL TRUTH and decontaminate their own minds ! :sunglasses:

Marky, I fixed your sign , Your Welcome



It is a slow process and like a Alcoholic, they must first admit they have a problem and willing to accept treatmentšŸ˜‰

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Itā€™s easy to criticize a candidate but can any of you Trump haters tell us why we should consider voting for Biden?

Tell us what Biden has accomplished in the half century that he has been in Washington. Can the democrats run on any other platform besides promising to raise taxes and to spread hate and division? If so, letā€™s hear it.

<-- waiting with bated breath --> :roll_eyes:


I could have made the ā€œagainstā€ row a lot longer but stuck with US presidents.
Xi, however might actually favor Trump as he draws attention away from China.

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Of course you could - when you ignore the restraints of evidence, logic and rationality - any silly fool can just make a list !

Now tell us your reasons why anyone should vote ā€œDemocratā€ without mentioning Donald or Trump !

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Is this what youā€™re voting for? Is this the America that you want to live in? Shame on you if youā€™re even considering voting for Joe/Kamala!

Can you still not see how you have been manipulated? You live with hate in your heart and you donā€™t even know why! Wake up! Letā€™s unite and take our country back before we degenerate into a dystopian communist nightmare!

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Red Pill video link. This is a non-YouTube link so you donā€™t need to sign in as is required by Google for this video.

Please share this link widely.

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Hereā€™s the issue. Iā€™m not happy with the US right now. Iā€™m not happy with the way the US is viewed by the world, Iā€™m not happy with Trumpā€™s response to Covid. Iā€™m not happy with Trumpā€™s blatant racism. Iā€™m not happy with Trumpā€™s divisive response to everything. Iā€™m not happy with how Trump treats people who donā€™t agree with him or call him out on this crap. Iā€™m not happy with Trumpā€™s immigration policy. Iā€™m not happy with healthcare at the moment. Iā€™m not happy less people have health insurance period. Iā€™m not cool with the destruction of the ACA with no replacement. Hell, Trump could have fixed that one issue, healthcare, and heā€™d be re-elected easy. Iā€™m not a fan of walls. What an utter waste of money. Iā€™m not a fan of no accountability from Trump. Itā€™s somebody elseā€™s problem, alwaysā€¦ Iā€™m not a fan of a president that cries and whines like a baby. Iā€™m not cool with a reality star with no political experience running our country like a game show. It shows he has no experience. Iā€™m not cool with a president that denies and denies, even though the evidence is on his shirt, or on his hands, or his sleeve, or on paper with his signature on it, or recorded on video. No thanks. All politicians lie, but heā€™s the bigliest liar Iā€™ve ever known. Heā€™s not in it for the country or the people. Heā€™s in it for his business and his people.

Whatā€™s to like about Biden? Easy answer. Heā€™s the farthest thing away from Trump. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s why so many like Trump. Because heā€™s the farthest thing away from a politician.

Are you happy with America right now?


Trump needs cash and Biden has plenty.


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