Political Opinion

All you have to ask yourself is if Obama (or any Dem) did it, how would you react? Pretty simple.

Weeks before an election, when he had the opportunity to do it much, much earlier, yes, wrong.

I was voting for Biden but this changed my mind to Trump

[This guy gets it!]

Why I’m Voting for TRUMP - Voice your VOTE - Your Thoughts?

[And she gets it!]

Black Voters No Longer Buying Democrat’s Systemic Racism Lies | Rob Smith | POLITICS | Rubin Report


Trump holds first public event since coronavirus diagnosis

Listen to the crown chanting, “We Love You”. No other Presidential candidate has evoked such emotions!

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Here Tim Pool - a die hard “democrat” who recently announced he was voting for the President - notes the conversion of one of his idols ;

Wherever you look we see examples of this move away from the so-called “Democrats” - who are no such thing !

However we see no examples the other way round !


I see "brain of Britain" - is refusing to engage in any meaningful way yet again ! :wink: :rofl:

Yup! Here’s the YouTube search page for #WALKAWAY, #WALKAWAYCAMPAIGN. Not to mention the videos without these hashtags like the one’s I’ve linked to in my previous posts.

Large numbers are seeing the light and are brave enough to post their reasons for walking away. We find people from all walks of life - rich, poor, young, old, black, white, latino, muslim, LGBTs, and on and on! It’s amazing to watch all these people waking up to the truth. I got tired of scrolling down the page as more and more videos kept loading with seemingly no end in sight. Wow!


Absurd Manipulation of Polls revealed !

I link to the actual time that this manipullation is disclosed ! - You won’t want to miss this !

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Candace Owens : RUN AWAY LIBERALS !!

Why Filipinos are Supporting Trump? Your Thoughts?

Why Armenians are Supporting Trump? Your Thoughts?

BREAKING: Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECUTED Seal Team 6, Audio Proof

This would have been good news under normal circumstances but I’m saddened that Joe probably won’t even realize that he’s in jail when they lock him up!

Oh, wait, the penalty for high treason is a death sentence. Never mind!

Hannity: Biden commits more gaffes on the campaign trail

Get those ballets in people. Just make sure your drop off box is an official official drop off box. You know, because it’s almost Halloween and we have fake drop boxes pretending like they’re real drop boxes.

Big bucks for both GOP and Dems coming from fundraising. GOP with massive raise in Q3.

Yup - get dancin’ :slightly_smiling_face: - dig up them dead people and get them to vote early - and vote often !

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I’m getting really tired of my posts being flagged. So, why was my post flagged? Is it because I called them out as “commie traitors”?

If so, flag this post so I know.

Or, is it because of this meme that I posted?

Flag this post, if so, so that I know.

Not everyone is a paid operative like you. Some people on the left actually care about their country and after what has been revealed today about the Benghazi operation, I’m sure they will go out and vote but not for Joe! Who will vote for a criminal and treasonous government?!

Hey, lefties, let’s save America from the criminal deep state. Vote for Trump! With or without your handful of votes, Trump is going to have a landslide victory anyway. So, clear your conscience and cast your vote to free America and to free your brothers and sisters from tyranny.

Loved this :point_down:t2:

Don’t believe it? Check out the video in this tweet! Not a single supporter at a Biden rally! Not one! Nada!!!

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How about that unmasking report? Lots of nothing. Where’s the report?

‘Unmasking’ probe commissioned by Barr quietly concludes without charges or any public report
By Matt Zapotosky and Shane Harris

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Yup, plenty of those dead people waiting in lines in record numbers.

What exactly am I getting paid to do? Post news articles from what most people would call reputable news sources? Good laughs.

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No mate you’re not being paid to post - I believe there have been a few in the past - but they were people far better than you !

No mate - you’re a young lad - getting a bit over-excited about being able to vote for the first time ! - A young lad who thinks with the exuberance of youth that he has all the answers

Most of us here are a little jealous - since we are no longer young enough to know everything ! :slightly_smiling_face: