Political Opinion

Don’t worry, we can become best friends after the election. I need more old people in my life that have all the answers.

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You probably just need a male role model ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Because you hurted somebody’s wittle feelings, you old meanie, you.

Here’s the WUSSIE SNOWFLAKE who flagged you —

Spoiled brat - 2

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Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad

Facebook Refuses to Link to New York Post article

Bannon sounds off on Joe Biden as NY Post shines light on Hunter Biden’s emails

Heights of Desperation! :yawning_face:

Merriam Webster covering for Dems on the fly!

Why was this post flagged?

Colorado Dem Operative Reveals Violent Agenda Should Trump Win

The Beautiful, Peace Loving Dems. So heartwarming. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


“I am going to do everything morally acceptable to win. I will lie. I will cheat. I will steal. Because that’s morally acceptable in this political environment.

Left-Wing Activists Post Online Guide To DESTROYING the Country if Election Is Close

Thats rich coming from someone willing to vote for this lying piece of s##t

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Trump Tower 2021

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Not a single supporter shows up. ZERO support! Crickets!


Meanwhile in Pennsylvania …

Trumps little b###h Barr wasting more taxpayers dollars

Even Juniors joining in with the lies. What we expect from Republicans nowadays

Donald Trump Jr. has accused Facebook of election interference for limiting the spread of the New York Post story which claims Joe Biden met with a Ukrainian businessman while he was Vice President, saying it needs to be fact-checked first by its chosen third party before they will allow people to share it more online.

So, Facebook are interfering with the election because they want to confirm people are telling the truth and the Trumpet says that’s wrong.

Not just Facebook but Twitter too …

Clearly they are - as they promised to do in 2016 !

And don’t forget the mass bannings and demonetisation of anyone right of Trotski on You-Tube !

Another example from today !

Why was this post flagged?

Democrats are indeed freaking out big time and not just about the Biden emails !

Facebook Censors Benghazi Veteran John ‘Tig’ Tiegen After Denver Rally

Twitter has suspended fake user accounts claiming to be black supporters of Donald Trump.
Twitter is investigating after being alerted to accounts using identical language and stock avatars. Many of the accounts tweeted the same phrase: ‘YES I’M BLACK AND I’M VOTING FOR TRUMP!!!’.

Desperate Republican Party caught lying again.

I’m switching camps. Going to vote for Biden.

He’s offering $15 million per hour in minimum wage! Woohoo!

Desperation sets in !

Sadly we still get posts like the quote above - without any endeavour at reaching a valid opinion ! :roll_eyes:

And without any citation whatever ! :wink:

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Meanwhile back to facts ;


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Free money for everyone except those who believe in personal responsibility and competence then ! :slightly_smiling_face:

Fact is he’s had 47 years to do anything at all to improve the lot of those who voted for him and his ilk in the past - AND has failed them all - now as @Markaria points out - his threats to the blacks - remember ?

"You ain’t Black if you don’t vote Democrat!

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