Political Opinion

And this is the guy some on this thread want to see negotiating Trade deal and Nuclear Arms disarmament

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More like selling your Soul to the Democrat party


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Looks like a raw nerve was struck. :smiley:

If Biden is in bed with the Ukraine and Hillary with Russia and Obama with Iran, then by extension, aren’t Twitter and Facebook aiding foreign powers to illegally influence our elections?

By that measure, Twitter and Facebook should be charged for treason along with other constitutional crimes such as an attack on our first amendment !

Twitter locks accounts of Keyleigh McEnany & NY Post !

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They don’t like to even admit that competent Black people are moving over to vote for President Trump - because they have brains ! - Apart from the de-platforming which @markaria points to on Social Media - see how competent Blacks are discriminated against by some little dips**t on an aeroplane !

ANd in the Mainstream Media !

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Another view of the same story about “hunter” Biden’s e-mails re collusion in Ukraine - (Couldn’t get in to yours !)

  • WOW - She’s PERMANENTY Banned - unless she deletes her Reference to the New York Post ! :roll_eyes:

As ever Sky News .Australia is on the ball !

The MSM and Social Media Platforms censor the truth and spread lies. This should be a red flag to all who seek freedom.

When free speech is controlled it means that they are conspiring against you. Think why would they do that? Why the need to control the narrative? Whatever their motives, plans and intentions, it cannot be good for you; it cannot be in your interest. Don’t you get that?!!!

This is the reason that certain factions use anonymous boards to spread the truth that you will not otherwise be exposed to by our corrupt media and tech giants.

I’m sad to say that even BabyPips is complicit in censorship! They don’t want me to make reference to a certain entity. This is shameful and I hope that they will reevaluate their stance and stand with truth seekers and patriots.

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This is why President Trump must win, otherwise, we will be living in a real-life 1984

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The Obamagate Movie (Oct 20th at 9pm EST)

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Hawley wants Twitter, Facebook to come before Senate following censorship of Hunter Biden report


The Orwellian “Ministry of Truth” has already manifested itself, as is clearly evident.

Hillary colluded with the Russians and Trump was investigated for it.

Biden colluded with Ukraine and Trump was impeached for it.

The gall of these treasonous traitors. They should be locked up forever. A death penalty would be too quick for these scum.


As I’ve already posted…

Trump is talking about the Lame Stream Media while Orwell is talking about your sight and hearing.

Two entirely different things. At least get your propaganda right.

C’mon man!

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That’s not a real quote from Orwell - who died shortly after finishing his book - which he clealy has not read - in 1948. It’s just the Troll on Panic mode because of teh Twitter Facebook getting caught trying to Rig the Election !

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You forget the President who thinks he can get the Treasury paid when he strong arms companies to put themselves up for sale because they’re not based in the US.

“Apparently that’s not allowed”. Who would have thought. Oh yeah, that guy is the president NOW.

Maybe she should share information that’s living in reality and fact-checked.

How are you coming to these conclusions? Polls? I thought polls are all lies. I guess only when they serve your purpose.

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. How about instead of “Projecting” your own ignorance and bias onto others, why not offer some solutions to the problems you see.


If you have a beef with President Trump let self proclaimed Leftist and Trump hater Jimmy Dore show you how to address your grievances in a productive way with solutions