Political Opinion

Wrong again!
The book came out in 1949, he died in 1950. He was still drafting revisions to it in 1948
Try to get something right for a change :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Tik Tok sale buddy.

Finished the book 1948like I said - published 1949 - died Shortly after ! - so what did I get wrong ? - Unlike your “Quote” which is nowhere near a quote - because you haven’t read the book !

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More fundraising on the Dem side in Q3

I bet if I said the speed of light is 186 thousand miles per second, you would answer back,
“Wrong again! the speed of light is 186,282 miles per second”
the nick picking from you Carlos and your other TDS friends is the real joke here.

Just as with dudebro I challenge you to offer some real content and solutions for debate

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Prove this statement.
Thought not!
Same old failstaff, making it up as he goes along.

That is taken from the book, I wonder if you’ve ever read it? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe with so many Americans unemployed, you should be asking just where is this money coming from and what strings will be attached


Feel free to ask both the Dems and GOP. Let me know what you find.

Have you noticed the flurry of activity from the useful idiots - clearly they’ve been directed by “Democrat Propaganda Central” - to get out there and bury any reports of teh TWITTER / FACEBOOK / Democrat collusion to bury teh BIDEN Illegality and lies - under a mound of garbage - doesn’t matter what they say - just trying to bury the TRUTH ! -

  • I repeat ;

The objective being that the casual reader will not scroll back far enough to see teh relevant posts ! - That’s all !

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Seeing how most of the country’s billionaires are in the tech sector and supporting the 1984 mindset of the Democrat Party and out spending Republicans 3 to 1 , who will be pulling the strings of the Democrat party is pretty obvious, what I do not understand is why you think this is a good thing

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The following 2 posts were flagged. Why?

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I think it is time we start playing this flagging game too, there are 4 people ( and we all know who) that add nothing to the conversation, they only post to clog the thread with back and forth personal attacks

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Clint started this Forum 8 years ago, saying everything goes " except personal attacks on other Forum members"

that seems to be forgotten, we now have content being flagged and personal attacks allowed. Not any longer

If you have nothing to add but to poke fun at Forum members then maybe you should find a different thread,

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As my post was flagged, rather than cry about it I’ll simply repost with a minor amendment to appease the mods

Poor attempt at misdirection, even by your standards.
Have you actually read the book yourself? Doesn’t seem like it.

We would like to remind everyone to avoid personal attacks. You can argue against ideas, but not attack individuals involved in the exchange.

This thread is in the Lobby, which allows for less intervention from the moderation team. But keep in mind that our Community Guidelines still apply here.

Let’s go back to discussing the topic at hand and veer away from flaming or inappropriate posts. Thank you!


Treason? New York Times calls for U.N. takeover of America



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It’s an interesting point - money and politics.

Doesn’t matter the amounts or who gave how much - it’s the strings implied or otherwise.

In the US and UK there is a huge lobby industry - more upfront in US and more behind the scenes in the UK.

All parties are involved and i often wonder whether it’s a blight on democracy. A low income person has one vote the same as the wealthy person - but have they the same voice?

A mother emailed 5 politicians regarding special needs education for her child during the current school closures - only one took the time to answer.

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this is what I am talking about Carlos, your post is not a “Political Opinion” but directed at a forum member,

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