Political Opinion

I’ve already provided a response to Carlos’ post. But, for some reason that is not enough.

I ignored his first post with the same content and then he posts it again. Now that I’ve shown him the fallacy in his logic he wants to go off on a tangent on this drivel.

The career politicians have provided us with so much ammunition to write about that we can go on and on, probably for years to come without feeling the need to repost something. They don’t have anything on Trump and so they reiterate the same old tired nonsense.

This is what the Dems did to ACB (SCOTUS candidate) too. Seems to be their MO. Perhaps it might be best to ignore them or, as you suggested, just flag their posts like they do for ours.


[UPDATE: Twitter DELETES Trump campaign video on Biden!] — BREAKING: Twitter SUSPENDS the official Trump Campaign Twitter account!

You would think tech, since its all around us and always in the news, and that’s all everybody cries about (legitimately), but tech isn’t where most billionaires come from. That industry definitely has the most scrutiny lately, because it impacts us on a day to day basis (privacy and it’s connection with information sharing, which just so happens to have a foot in politics and elections.

But read the following article. Bank and Finance breads the most US billionaires. Then Industrials, Real Estate, Food and Beverage and Healthcare. Tech isn’t even in the top 5. And “left wing”, West Coast Tech (Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix) is just a small fraction of the overall tech sector. You already know that.

Not sure why you think I don’t care. I care. But I can’t affect donations, and who makes them. And the media and people with more time are there to question where the money is coming from. Of course the majority comes from special interest and lobbyist. What’s new?

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As have many posts by yourself and others, but let’s ignore them and focus on someone who has a different viewpoint to you politically.

My post was for falstaff who had wrongly accused me of mis-crediting a statement to Orwell. If he had actually read the book he would know I was correct, so I think I am justified in asking.
I dont see how you can answer for him.

Communism just needs the right leaders :roll_eyes:

Note: She joined Oct 2020. Where was she until now? Fake account?


Soros Triples Election Spending, Pouring $70 Million Into 2020 Efforts

Wall Street donors line up behind Biden in massive third-quarter fundraising haul


Go Patriots! :raised_hands:t2:


While all eyes are on China regarding citizen surveillance, the UK have been quietly installing AI cameras. This is not the first case like this and makes me wonder just how many are already up and running.

Welcome to China! :smiley: The UK is probably the most surveilled society after China. Now they are merely closing the gap.

I suggest voting Trump into office again so that he can clear the swamp worldwide.

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Absolutely F***ing Superb !

Screw the Woke B’'tards !

Love the way the Players came scurrying back to stand to attention ! :rofl:

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Amazon funds democratic campaigns and endorses their tax hike policies but they don’t wish to remain in Democrat run cities.

They’re headquartered in Seattle!


Amazon lets Office Lease in Seattle Expire - Abandoning Downtown!! I Seattle Real Estate Podcast

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NY Post Proves Joe Biden & Hunter Biden Lying, Twitter Censors Story | DIRECT MESSAGE | RUBIN REPORT

Hunter and Joe Biden Scandal Takes a Dark Turn — FBI’s Top Lawyer on Child Porn Involved in Case

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It Looks like One of “Ours” Has been sticking his nose in !

Sorry Lads - I never voted for him !

But isn’t it odd how all these Socialists who sell the STORY that - they are there to save the poor and downtrodden - are the biggest GRIFTERS of all ?

Man at Florida Trump rally spotted wearing newly made “Crack is Whack” Hunter Biden t-shirt

Joe Biden to female staffer: “SHUSH. SHUSH!”

Hats off to her for maintaining a smile! Wow!

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What kind of low-life defends people who use charitable donations to children with cancer for their own benefit?

Apparetly we have been instructed by the US Congress - to Take the necessary Actions to Prevent Our “Royals” - Interfering in the US Elections !

Which is

  • a) A perfectly reasonable request
  • b) In ine with the obligations -placed on our Royals by Convention and possibly British Law !

However - the Woman of whom they speak is

  • a) American
  • b) An adult (Apparently - certainly being well into her 4th decade - she has a “mind of her own”)
  • c) Living in Los Angeles and doing a series about her own life and that of other “Royals” on Netflix for reportedly $100 million plus - because life in the UK exposed her to too much “Public Gaze”

So as far as I am concerned we should

  • a) Cancel her “Royalty” and remove any and ALL benefits thereof
  • b) Instigate a case against her for “Coercive Control” of her husband and declare their marriage “Void” (I wonder - just wonder if THAT coud conceivably be an option ? :wink: )
  • c) Sue the USA for failing to control a “Toxic citizen” :rofl:

Ah well I suppose one can dream !

What do you think of this pair of self-righteous idiots ? 7

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@peterma, Well played Sir… Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Party wins New Zealand general election…

Probably not a bad result for NZ as the opposing National Party were in total disarray during the election campaign…

Here in Victoria we have a far left Government, 5km Travel ban, Retail, Hospitality & Tourism closed for the past 5 months… People are losing Businesses, Homes, Marriages… Divorce rates have skyrocketed… Domestic Violence is off the Charts… Suicides and Mental Health Counseling off the scale… up 77%… The State is $66 Billion in the red and rising on a daily basis… Dentists, Hairdressers, Department Stores are still closed… Tennis, Golf and Fishing are illegal in the Socialist State of Victoria…

The State Government is also legislating the removal of freedoms from its citizens on a weekly basis… Police can now enter your home without warrant or reason… Worksafe (Industrial) Inspectors are now the most powerful officials (Even more powers than Police!) and this was the watered down bill that got passed… Indefinite detention was removed at the 11th hour…

All of the above going on with a rolling 14 day average of 8.3 new cases a day, 0 deaths, 20 in Hospital and no one!.. no one! in ICU in a population of 5.8 Million… It’s insane… I only hope that a few of these politicians are going to be performing the “Mussolini” handstand within weeks… The Social, Health, Employment and Financial carnage that the overreach of power by a Leftist Government hell bent on total control is immeasurable…

FFS… Don’t let them do it in the UK…


Aye some people have been telling me re the restrictions in Melbourne - seems like a sledge hammer to open a nut - the nut needs to be opened but sometime it can be done with intelligence rather than force.

In Ireland the police have not been granted the power even to break up a house party - what they will do is ask a driver to turn around if his journey is deemed unnecessary.

The regulations take cognizance of mental health and for that reason business that supplies for example DIY remain open although the hospitality sector is closed in the past few days because of a second wave (they allow take-aways and off-licences so many restaurants take advantage of that.

Let’s hope that things improve and also that voters don’t forget at the next election - in the words of the song ‘things can only get better’.