Political Opinion

Yes mate ! - and I think it’s only fair to continue to do so - Those who I’ve seen who HAVE actually become enlightened - whether from the TDS or Hard Line “feminism” - have only been able to do so because they had a moment when they started to QUESTION their indoctrination - In fact I’ve just orderd a book about “True believers” (And I think they ARE True believers)

Bret Weinstein and his wife Heather Heying did a full podcast on it a day or two ago - well worth the watch !

[PS - I think it’s ok for some pf us to "Pull their chains - for a bit of fun" - from time to time as @Dennis3450 mentioned above :slightly_smiling_face: ]

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I was LMAO at their responses, I even made a point not to say who the winner was and said “I will leave everyone to make up their own minds” and they still falsely accused me of saying and thinking things not in my post.
Side note; I showed this chart to my 4 year granddaughter just asking her which box was bigger and she had no problem picking the Trump box. So you might be overly generous in elevating these people to “Crayoning Class”
Take care my Friend

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Bret and his wife are a class act and what the left use to be, now the left has de-evolved to the point of being more like those screaming violet monkeys seen at the beginning of 2001 Space Odyssey, I would so love to have someone of their caliber on this forum making arguments from a left of center point of view, it sure would beat those screaming monkeys that like to clog this forum with mindless post

On the subject of Bret Weinstein, he is part of the Intellectual Dark Web, which includes an impressive and diverse group of thinkers, I would not put myself in the same class as this group but we do still have a pretty good group of thinkers here in Political Opinion, perhaps we need to form our own such group, just a thought

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It is one thing to have an unrealistic expectation of a future event, but to not be able to properly apply simple math to a past economics is very disturbing, after all this is suppose to be a sight for Traders, here in the Political Opinion thread we are just engaged in water cooler talk as we wait for the next trade. For myself I try to reframe from predicting the future and focus on trends both market and political and I find it equally disturbing that our country is becoming more socialists’ and Authoritarian by the day

take care my friend

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Georgia! Sweet Georgia - Very Sad !

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Instead of using your self-drawn boxes use some facts ( you do remember what they are?)
Check the Dow Jones (SP500 is too heavily influenced by 5 tech companies to be a fair guide of the economy as a whole and a relative newcomer, besides Chump has quoted the Dow in his boasting.).
Go back as far as you like, Chumps performance is nowhere near as good as he has conned you to believe. Check it out for yourselves.

8 more days till we get rid of this waste of skin


So Joe Biden knew Hunter was being inappropriate with underage girls, and had his brother Jim call Hunter to discuss a plan to discredit the mother making the accusations. It’s literally all right there in text messages.

WOW! “Sleeper” Trump Support. A Secret Society.

WH letter-headed paper found on Hunter’s hard drive, dated April 15 2016.

Forget the Hunter Biden sex tapes. The real news is much bigger than that.

Trump, the President of the United States, can’t handle “hardball” questions like:

“Are you ready for tough questions?”

Watch the meltdown. And walk-off.

I’m thankful to the kind media that they did not ask Trump, “What flavor of ice cream do you like?”

If they would have asked him that, he would have collapsed in a heap of nerves. Questions like these are better fielded by tough Joe Biden.

Trump could never handle it like these Dems do …

D-RAT Hyena’s!

The destruction of journalistic ethics is nearly complete.

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Wow. Al Qaeda’s #2 killed in Afghanistan and it’s not even trending on twitter.

Al Qaeda's second in command on FBI's most-wanted list killed in Afghanistan: reports | Fox News

Censored by Twitter, if I even try to talk about the voter fraud I AM PERSONALLY WITNESSING here in Nevada :bangbang:

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Must Watch :point_down:t2:

Join the new BLM movement

:loudspeaker: BREAKING: We have a new virus threat - COVID-9 !!!

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The whole Biden stuff has gone totally nuts

Watch out tonight for the star witness being interviewed on Fox with his incriminating tapes

Meanwhile Biden has decided to stop campaigning altogether.

You really could not make this ■■■■ up, well maybe only in America.

It’s really sad though there is such a blanket ban in media about all this.

From more unbiased polling it does appear Trump is gaining alot in the black community and latino community.

And Biden is not gaining as expected with the youth vote.

I do think Trump can be a bit of a knob, but God forbid the CCP have a paid operative in charge of the White House

Are you aware that Trump is the only President in US history to work for free? He donates his renumeration to the American people!

Compare that to Nancy Pelosi, who makes a salary of $223,500 a year but stopped the American people from getting $1200 for crisis assistance THREE times in one week!

I believe that in a few short weeks you will see Trump as a savior, not just for America but for all of humanity. I can’t get into a lot of detail here about that but I’ll point you to bitchute.com where you can search for “fall of the cabal”. This is a 10 part documentary that’s 3 hours long (find the video that’s about 3 hours long) but I promise you that it will be time well spent.

In the meantime check this message which is still as relevant as it was 4 years ago.

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I am aware - but he didn’t pay taxes on that salary!!!

Don’t get me wrong id definitely have a beer with the guy (if he drank) but I think his Twitter game doesn’t do him any favours

Will check out the documentary thanks

What salary? He has no salary that he’s drawing. This is the left trying to portray him in a bad light as they have done for years. Don’t fall for it.

He has paid all taxes as per the IRS’ codes. If he has illegally withheld taxes then the IRS should go after him, but that is not the case.

From Russia with Love

Cardi B Freaks Out: ‘Trump Supporters Are Everywhere,’ Swarming L.A. with ‘Big A** Trucks’

Florida voter: Joe Biden “has made it very difficult for me to even consider him as a candidate”


You need to understand your brit cousins a little better!!

That’s irony - I know he didn’t take a wage

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