Political Opinion

Weird. Live video streamed from 2 hours ago, TODAY, of Obama, standing behind a Biden Harris podium, doing exactly what you’re saying he hasn’t done. Live. In video. Shared by Joe Biden. Keep spreading the lies.

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That’s exactly how Trump stole the last election. He’s clearly hoping lightning strikes twice but it looks like his luck is running out.
Shame to see him go, he’s been entertaining if nothing else

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How is this even a campaign?!

All 10 of his supporters are in place and waiting for him.

And here’s Tulsi Gabbard (a fellow Democrat) who calls out Kamala Harris

Yikes. He’s unraveling right before our eyes!

[ Unbelievable! Watch :point_down:t2: ]

As is his Veep

And these delusional lefties still believe that Biden will win the elections! Got to love it! OMG :exclamation: :joy:

Biden’s own polls show him LOSING in EVERY SWING STATE !

In the meantime … Ivanka is drawing a bazillion more people than the Dem presidential candidate or the former Dem president !

[ Yup! Biden’s victory is certain :crazy_face: ]

AWKWARD: Planned Biden Rally Turns Into a Trump Rally

Best YouTube channel on everything China, ( and of course demonetized by the boobtube)

My political opinion is the news media will continue to ignore all stories linking Joe to China and all other corruption, until after the election, if he wins then the flood gates will open and all Joe Biden corruption will come front and center and the Dems will let him fall in order to insert the person who is really being elected president, Harris



I enjoy reading this thread but being a UK citizen I will refrain from commenting on USA politics, unlike the wretched Harry and Markle.


Joe Biden confesses to being Kamala’s running mate :exclamation:

NXIVM Sex Cult Leader Keith Raniere Sentenced To 120 Years In Prison

6 Ways a Biden Democrat Run Economy Would Hurt Suburban America

And simultaneously …

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Did nt Biden just say him and Obama had assembled the largest vote rigging organisation in history?

Pretty certain he did - lol


Yup! I’ve posted a link to that video in this thread. :sunglasses:

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Would like to explain just how President Trump stole the election, l could use a good laugh

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Tucker Interviews Tony Bobulinski

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It’s really unfortunate his surname is what it is.

It just sounds like he works for the politburo - and indeed some might assume such a link.

However I watched the interview and this guy really does come across as honest and genuine

They busted her :grinning:

Tell me again that there is no evidence of voter fraud :yawning_face:

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C’mon Dennis, keep up! It was RUSSIA, remember? Wait…


So now you are saying Russia stole the election and not President Trump, now that we have that cleared up tell exactly how Russia stole the election, and please give references your evidence