Political Opinion

Trump is a Russian agent, remember?. Oh, so is Rudy. And that Tony guy that was on Tucker.

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I believe cigarmanstan was being sarcastic, as in, everything is being blamed on Russia and all the corruption that is being brought to light is really Russian disinformation.


This is what all Democrat run cities and states look like

[quote=“cigarmanstan, post:5409, topic:42247”]
Trump is a Russian agent, remember?. Oh, so is Rudy. And that Tony guy that was on Tucker.

So everyone is a Russian agent, that still does not explain how the election was stolen

WATCH: Trump Caravan Rolls Down Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway in Israel

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Tony Bobulinski: “I think Joe Biden and the Biden family are compromised”

Biden Calls Travel Lid for Wednesday an Hour After Bobulinski Interview Airs

Here are TEN moments from Tucker’s BOMBSHELL Bobulinski interview the liberal media don’t want you to see

Former Biden Business partner Tony Bobulinski is outraged that the former Vice President is denying the recent scandal with Hunter Biden.

I’ll be quiet now. Thanks for the help, though.


Why? Help drive the stake in. :grinning:

Now is not the time be lax.

Biden is now 99 points up on Trump in Pennsylvania. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And this …

Everyone needs to watch this. If you’re a Trump lover, on the fence, or a NeverTrumper, I implore you to watch this. It may just change your perspective of who our President truly is.

The Real Donald J Trump – Bacon Breaks It Down

Help Keep Our Elections Honest!

Cruz v/s Dorsey

“I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.”

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9 out of the last 10 recessions have been under Republican presidents

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Since World War II, Democratic presidents have seen 24.4 million more jobs created on their watch—an average of 78.6% more jobs created per year of Democratic administrations—than have Republican presidents.

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Trump has also unequivocally stated that “America is never going to be socialist country.” So, there!

The swamp consists of D & R. This is not a Dem v/s Rep election. I keep saying that and you keep ignoring that in typical Dem fashion.

Not surprising since they expand the government and therefore naturally create jobs for redundant offices and regulatory committees.

Trump has put an end to that and has still managed to create more jobs than most other presidents.

American Patriots want freedom from this :point_down:t2:


One of the key narratives from the Democrats and corporate media after the 2016 election was that “Russian interference,” in particular through the seeding of misinformation and propaganda on Facebook, had been a critical factor in President Trump’s victory.

Must Watch :point_down:t2:

Ted Cruz BODIES Twitter’s CEO in Senate Hearing, Sets Trap He Didn’t See Coming

While Twitter & YouTube censor every story having to do with the Biden corruption scandal. Shameful :exclamation:



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Rampant Voter Fraud :angry:

Do you really want this scoundrel to be our President? HELL NO!

NY POST Bobulinski

What was the objection to this post?

Philadelphia — After the first night of violent rioting Governor Wolf defended peaceful protests. So looters hit at least 20 more stores in the second night of looting.

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Ugly day in the Stock Market, this could indicate investors are fearful that biden might win, we saw the market dip like this in 2016 a week before the election in fear of a hillary win. All we can do is hold our breath and wait,