Political Opinion


Such are the degenerates on the left !

Whitmer is encouraging assassination attempts against President Trump

It is illegal to campaign within a certain distance of a polling station

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Every American needs to ask his/her Governor this question:


When the election results begin pouring in next Tuesday or Wednesday,
the LIBTARD HOOLIGANS are going to resume their rioting.

How will you – quickly and decisively – put an end to those riots in our State?

For my part, I have 10 boxes of shotgun shells and 1,000 rounds of pistol ammunition
on hand, in the event that defending my home and family becomes necessary.


Watch Tucker talk about what happened :point_down:

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While on the subject of documents… here are some from a Google whistle blower

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The US Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that voting officials in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, two key battleground states, could accept postal ballots for several days after the general election

are they at least required to be post marked by election day, if not this would open the door for post election fraud,

Maybe the answer is going back to low tech, must vote in person, show ID, and dip your finger in ink as a sign you have voted

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Your post was flagged as inappropriate : the community feels it is offensive, abusive, or a violation of our community guidelines.

I am waiting to hear why this of all the stuff I post would be flagged, is it because I referred to God with a capital G, I certainly never called out another member by name

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As the “another person” in the infamous post, I was not offended by it. And I don’t think, as you mentioned,
G-d would be offended. It’s gotta be the word “troll”?!


2 of my posts were flagged too, for no apparent reason. When the truth gets to them and they run out of logical arguments to put forth they get agitated and resort to flagging posts. Cowards! :smile:

C’mon man !!!

THE GREAT AMERICAN COMEBACK. Incredible economic numbers. Don’t let Joe Biden’s radical policies destroy this!

CNBC: U.S. GDP booms at 33.1% rate in Q3, better than expected

“the U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace ever in the third quarter"

[ RECORD: Highest Ever
CRUSHED: Prev Record (16.7)
TRUMP: Fastest Recovery Ever
BIDEN: Slowest Recovery Since WW2 ]

Joe Biden oversaw the weakest economic recovery since the Great Depression.

Awesome Endorsement for Trump. This guy gets it :exclamation:


“Would you agree that the task force and the President took the outbreak very seriously from the beginning, taking unprecedented action, saving millions of American lives as a result?”

Dr. Fauci: “Yes.”

[ Can we move on then finally !? ]

When Joe Biden attacks America’s response to the coronavirus, he’s actually attacking Dr. Fauci

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Not just hugs: Biden swam naked in front of female Secret Service agents, walked around residence without a stitch

“He would mess with every single woman or teen. It was horrible,” the agent said. He told Fairbanks that on one occasion, a Secret Service agent was suspended because Biden had cupped his girlfriend’s breast while they were having their photo taken with him, and that the agent had shoved Biden in response.

He added that male agents would make up things to get the female agents away from Biden as they felt unsafe.

How very convenient

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Before Giuliani came out they said Pelosi got a copy of CCP hard drive info as a threat for her ensure a Biden presidency, at all costs.

"I just think that if somebody comes out now and verifies the story, it blows up big time, that’s all."

If not for the virus we would be looking at the S&P breaking 4000 right now ( based on the trend)

it makes you wonder if this whole virus was a staged event to get rid of President Trump, kind of like taking down a whole 747 to kill one person. It has happened before and if the last 4 years has taught us anything it is the forces opposed to President Trump will stop at nothing

We truly are living in the Matrix



They rig it and cry wolf

A short history of Presidents that have said no to more wars

Kennedy said no to Vietnam and was assassinated

Nixon tried to end the Vietnam war and meet with the Soviet leader to end the cold war, and would be forced to resign

Ford did end Vietnam and would lose election

Carter would refuse to invade Iran and made arms deal with USSR and would lose reelection


Bushed ended the Gulf War early refusing to invade Iran and would lose reelection, his son clearly learned from that mistake


President Trump has refused to expend middle east wars and is bringing troops home, will he suffer the same fate as his no more war predecessors