Political Opinion

Q, you missed a bit
"Coming off the worst quarter in history"…I believe Chump was 'in charge then as well

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Biden’s Single Boat Rally :grinning:

[ If Biden is magically elected, Foretelling for America, isn’t it? ]

Biden Boat Capsize

And then we have this …

[ Paul is also featured in other pictures on Hunter’s hard drive ]

Paul Pelosi on Hunter Hard Drive


I wish more people here ( on both sides ) would show a little more concerns over the wars that are certain to come under a Harris administration. We currently have a President who has pushed back on expanding military action and history tells us such Presidents seldom serve two terms,


5 days later I am still waiting an answer to who is responsible for the 1 million virus deaths outside the US, I guess no answer will fit the " you know who" political agenda

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They are just pissed because we did not fall for their FEMA concentration camp trap.


The Left creates issues so that they can blame it on Trump. This includes the China virus which was funded by Fauci and others. Orange man bad !

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Whoa ! Must Watch ! :point_down:t2:

Your son is a crack head. You’ll never be President ! :grinning:

That’s funny, I don’t think his dislike for war is what forced his resignation. But okay…

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You wholeheartedly believe Trump and his administration couldn’t have done anything more, or could be doing more right now, to curb the spread?

We hit the highest single day record of infections TODAY, since the pandemic started.

You put zero blame of that on the administration?

In other news, more conspiracy crap outed as completely fake. But only read it if you’re interested in credible news.

How a fake persona laid the groundwork for a Hunter Biden conspiracy deluge

I’ll leave you with a pic. All those worried about nepotism and Hunter and all that.


VOTER FRAUD :bangbang:

We all would like to hear your assessment of Trump and the virus. I know you said he’s to blame.

I was trying to get a discussion started if anyone wants to add perspective…
That’s not the correct link, but there is a thread started .

This is what the Democrats are all about - Violence, Death & Destruction :bangbang:

Leaked Document: Leftists Fear Trump May Win Minnesota, Plot Post-Election ‘Mass Mobilization’

The coalition is officially affiliated with far-left national organizations People’s Action and CPD Action, both funded by the George Soros-backed Democracy Alliance aimed at “resisting” President Trump.

Leftist protest groups plot election day coup aided by the Democrat Party, Federal employees & Intelligence contractors.

They plan to shut down & take over Washington D.C. [and other major US cities] starting Nov. 4th until inauguration day to force Trump out of the White House.

Eric Trump: “This is an absolute movement of love." :heart:

After an ‘urgent investigation,’ UPS located a previously missing package sent to @TuckerCarlson he said contained confidential documents about the Biden family.

Awesome vlog of #WalkAway enlightened Americans

Women for Trump

Very Powerful Message, Eloquently Delivered. Watch :point_down:t2:

Literally Rolling on Floor with Laughter ! OMG !!! :rofl:


Former Vice President Joe Biden returned to Iowa for the first time since the primaries, and ridiculed President Trump for odd comments about nuking hurricanes and saying windmills cause cancer.

according to US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) in its 6 October status report, Trumps wall is now a massive 15 miles longer than before he took over.
At this rate it’ll be complete in a couple of hundred years :rofl: :rofl:

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Now you’ll have guys searching for links to post :slight_smile:

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Controlling the narrative is of primary importance.

What the left fears the most is the truth being revealed to us, for if we wake up en mass, their game will be up. All dissenting voices must be immediately and vehemently suppressed. They use their propaganda machinery, the media and big tech, to label us as radicalist or anti-semitic or racist or misogynist or whatever. If you are perceived as a larger threat they will use their financial machinery against you. Banks will close your accounts and deny you merchant processing for online sales of your products or services. The IRS will be unleashed on you. They might falsely accuse you of crimes that you have not committed in order to tangle you up in their kangaroo courts and bankrupt you.

But, for all this to work without the masses figuring out what they are doing, they need to maintain a facade of independence between the individual factions of their propaganda machinery. That is, it must not be made obvious to the average person that all, media, big tech, banks, etc. are colluding to coordinate an attack.

And yet, today we are seeing that they have shed the illusion of independence and they are openly showing their hand. Think about that! Why would they do that? They are doing that because Trump has lifted the veil. Most people who have a brain to think with are now aware of the left’s propaganda tactics.

They know that their game is up! This is their death dance - a futile and last ditch effort to turn the tide. They will fail :exclamation:

Gab.com is a free speech social media platform created by Andrew Torba, a Silicon Valley veteran. He was one of big tech’s golden boy until he engaged in speaking out against the left’s devil worshiping marxist agenda. Listen to the chilling story that Andrew tells us about how they tried to silence him for the past 4 years. They can make your life hell with the flick of a switch. :point_down:t2:

Watch it now before YouTube takes it down.

Andrew Torba TruNews Interview

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