Political Opinion

Orlando Florida Patriots

Trump 2020 - Sky Ad

Biden China Stooge

It’s a Coup :exclamation:

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Oh I wonder what the election is going to be like today and tomorrow

“ignore the old fool ?” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Have at thee varlet !

My Election Prediction

Unprecedented Support for any U.S. President. Watch :point_down:t2:

96 Miles in AZ !!!

Politics aside this is a Forum about making money and what could the next 5 months hold for us, lets look at the fist 5 months for Obama and Trump

Using the S&P500 and purchasing the market on first day of trading November of 2008 and 2016 through March of 2009 and 2017

S&P bought at $968 and hit a low in March of $666 ( yes that is right 666) for a decline of 31%
S&P bought at $2128 and finish March at $2362 for a 5 month increase of 11%
S&P bought $3296 let’s pray we do not find out

more realistically the election map will look very much like it did in 2016 with about 90% of the counties voting Red


Fun fact, If you were to overlay this map of high points of gun violence in the US, most of those red dots land right on a blue area on the election map above


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Here is the S&P for the periods of 12 years, separated by the tenure of the last 2 Presidents:

TRUMP 461 / BIDEN 77

Analysis & Trump parade videos below

I’m thinking under that scenario, the R’s will regain the House and keep the Senate…
Don’t you be teasing me like that!


Shame on the Democratic Party :exclamation:

Latest NYC gun violence leaves 6 people shot

And it starts! BLM/Antifa/Democrat THUGS blocking polls & intimidating voters in North Carolina!!

America's Choice

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It doesn’t matter anymore. They are finished ! :grinning:

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looks pretty consistent but that line has a bit more upward slant over the last 4 years. Pretty amazing seeing how the economy has had to endure a pandemic and all the B.S. from the deep state bad actors

RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states :bangbang:

Gen. Tom McInerney Hammers The Deep State Vote Fraud Operation

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This is why I have zero confidence in the election process, we ( the USA) have degraded to the level of the old USSR

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Again - not a single word about how wonderful your “Hero Joe” is going to be ‘This time’ - nor why ‘this time’ is going to be any more successful for the American people under his ‘LEADERSHIP’ than the previous 47 years have been ! - VOTE FOR JOE - Change Nothing - Except taxes of course - Oh and hugely increased “Regulations” and poverty.

Yet your Crayon - masters only seem able to say “ORANGE MAN BAD” = Without any evidence again of course ! :roll_eyes:

It may be a LITTLE more forgivable - if they were even your OWN Crayon marks ! - But even that modicum of creativity is beyond our trolls ! :rofl:

Devoid as ever of both original thought and subtlety Even real Humour is seemingly beyond your ability :smiley: