Political Opinion

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Yes and I am still waiting for the crayon triplets to tell us who they blame for the 1 million virus deaths outside the US, they seem to get very quiet when there is no orange man to blame

Plus they are continuously hate mongering against Russia, much like a certain German dictator from the 1930’s

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Why do you need this? What will this tell you about how bad Trump has handled the situation here?

You never answered whether you think Trump couldn have done/could be doing anything more now. You’re always waiting for answers. Where’s your answer?

Joe Biden Campaign Won’t Say if He’ll Cooperate with FBI Probe on Son

In light of Sinclair TV’s James Rosen’s reporting on Thursday evening that the FBI opened a criminal investigation in 2019 into “Hunter Biden and his associates” focused on allegations of money-laundering and that it remains open and active today, I would like to ask the following:

1) Do former VP Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden, and brother James Biden intend to cooperate with the FBI investigation?

2) If elected president, will Joe Biden commit to not pardoning Hunter if the FBI charges him with a crime that he may be convicted of?

Biden pays for fake followers - Guess he’s not satisfied with the 5 on this forum. :rofl:

Is this the Long Dark Dreary Winter Dance? :joy:

Got to love it ! Talk some sense into them girl ! :grinning:

Yet Another Voice that Refuses to be Silenced by Big Tech :exclamation: :us:

A Beautiful & Prescient Sky over Air Force 1

The Great Awakening Worldwide!

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Its totally fine that we both stand at opposite ends of the political spectrum but just out of interest whats your take on the extreme difference in turn out at both Trump and Biden rallies?

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Have two hours? Here’s all you need to watch to understand why Biden will win and Trump will lose. Why Biden is the right choice. He’s not perfect. He admits fault. He apologizes. Two things Trump has never done in his entire life. Biden isn’t a fear monger. He is decent.

It’s about character. That’s what the voter will be choosing this election.

Give this a watch. Excellent look into where both candidates came from and what, in their past, shaped them into the individuals they are today. Very eye opening.

Frontline - The Choice 2020

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Unfortunately the ‘internals’ are not suggesting that. They’re suggesting a Trump land slide.

Whatever you think of Trumps character he is getting things done - even in the words of the local Pittsburg Gazette who has for the first time ever endorsed a Republican candidate


Hi John.
Its down to each candidates different stance on covid. Trump wants large numbers of people at his rallies, possibly because he feels it looks better on TV and/or he feeds better off the atmosphere, Biden can’t really preach social distancing and then ask supporters to congregate in large numbers.


That’s a very fair point - obvious if I think about it.

I don’t think that is something considered or talked about with the alt right media commentators

No, he would much rather encourage rioting and having criminals released after they are arrested. Kamala does the same.

Even Obama and Hollywood celebrities are unable to draw people to Biden’s campaigns.

The delusion exhibited is funny; as is the hypocrisy :point_down:t2:

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Yeah, of course it’s all about character. :roll_eyes:

I’m so glad you guys are posting this stuff. It shows how disconnected you are from reality. :smile:

If you guys are so confident of a win then why all this? :point_down:t2:

The Democrats will never get it. You have never seen 25,000 people chant “I love you to any president in history until this one. This is not just a candidate, this is not just an election, this is us taking back our nation.”

We have intelligence documents that Bloomberg is planning to create mass riots and riots after Biden loses the election and rallies 25,000 people in Washington DC and then we will expose their plans in the media.


This is why millions all over the world love Donald Trump. Watch :point_down:t2:

Conservative European Parliamentarians Nominate Trump for Nobel Peace Prize on Eve of Presidential Election

I think that Trump will win the elections but the senate and the congress will go to the democrats

Which internals?

Significant for sure, bit would be more significant if not for this:

The Gazette underwent a rightward shift in 2018 after Block Communications, the paper’s owner, appointed a new editorial director who went on to write editorials in support of Trump, per the New York Times.

The same paper also can be thanked for the following quote:

" We share the embarrassment of millions of Americans who are disturbed by the president’s unpresidential manners and character — his rudeness and put-downs and bragging and bending of the truth."

  • “None of this can be justified. The president’s behavior often has diminished his presidency, and the presidency. Most Americans want a president who makes them proud.”

I don’t think that’s earth shattering, but good for Trump.

I’m sure during Obama’s inaugurations you could easily count 100000 people doing just that.

There will be people in the streets regardless of who wins. You don’t need anybody to plan that.

Interesting timing of releasing this on election day