Political Opinion

Well it just so happens I have a good dollop of rum in front of me - so I’ll raise a glass to you and Dennis both ! - It seems hopeful that the western world has a likely 4 year extension to it’s existence ! :sunglasses:


12 States yet to be called and Trump leads in 10 of them, yet CNN still wants you to believe Biden is winning


6/4 - looks like a bit of good value you nicked there !
1/3 now :wink:

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Yup ! - Not looking too bad just now - :smiley: Shame I didn’t have the Cajones to make it £400 - NigeL Farage put £10k on it - according to his U-tub vid a couple of days ago - However - It’ll Buy old Falstaff a bottle or two ! :wink:


Just to confuse things more, some states have already counted the mail in ballots while others don’t plan to until after election day ballots are counted, this is when the danger for fraud comes into play

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Yes I understand that - Pennsylania seems to be particularly at risk - but Afaik - the rules state that today is the last day and i’m sure the legals are ready to contest that one ! - We’ll see :slightly_smiling_face:

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Now, this is more like it, and Trump is leading in all of those yellow states which would give him 287,

Pennsylvania is the key, Trump currently has a 15 point lead but that state has a lot of issues with mail in ballots

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Trump is leading in all 6 yellow states, if nothing changes we will win 296 to 237, which means he could lose one of these states even Pennsylvania, and still win. It looks like a lock but I don’t trust the process.

For reference in 2016 Trump had 306 to Hillary 232

The only thing that changed is Arizona flipping to Biden

This should give Trump 29 states and Biden 21

It does not look like they are counting any more votes tonight, so I am calling it a night

A post was deleted exactly for that, hence the warning.

Our policies are transparent, linked publicly and I’ve been transparent to you directly. It’s up to you all to decide to respect those rules. Being a member here does come with conditions. And when those conditions tip the balance of value this website and membership brings you, it’s time to look to other places on the Internet to share those views.

overnight Biden has taken a lead in Nevada ( I will never go to Vegas again) and Wisconsin ( The Packers are no longer my team) Trump has a pretty good lead in the other states, if nothing else changes Trump wins 274 to 255

Now is when all the cheating takes place


Often this puzzles me, I’ve searched quite a lot for numbers of voter fraud convictions and can only come up with very low numbers.

The conservative Heritage Foundation for example report thus -

Just wondering how apparent rampant fraudsters do not get convicted.

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IF you count NV, WI, MI, PA, NC, GA, and ME(that funky 1) still in play,
IF Trump wins WI, MI, NC, and GA, he’ll have 270 exactly and won’t
need NV or PA.

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Simple, they run the city, town or county were the fraud takes place, Was it not Joe Stalin who said, something like " you do not need to control the will of each voter if you control who counts the votes"

In any case this happens every 4 years, the districts controlled by democrates are always the last to turn in their votes and they always have just enough votes to win a close race

The market knows something is up, I am watching the pre-market and everything is up but Tech is way up, they are big Biden supporters maybe they know the fix is in

I call ■■■■■■■■ on that. Show me where I made suggestions of violence?

If they are so transparent then why did you feel the need to PM me telling me not to quote Q? Even though I have complied, you have had your sights on me since that time and you believe you have seized this opportunity to add to the “warning” count with the post in question so that you can justify banning me.

I’m putting you on notice; you are not going to get me to bend left! I shall always oppose BLM and Antifa and other terrorist organizations.

To tow the leftist agenda?

On the subject of value; I can honestly say that I have received no substantial trading related value from BP. BP School does provide good information on the basics of FX trading but I learned that outside of the BP environment. BP does not teach anyone to trade effectively.

If at all, I and a very small fraction of traders (3 to 4 perhaps) who know what they are talking about, have provided any real value to newbies here. One of them was accused of wanting to “sell” his info/indicators so he has since backed out of sharing anything of true value. I have been trolled and I too have decided to scrap my original thought of teaching my unique and highly profitable methodology here on BP for free. Others have been dissuaded from sharing their YouTube channel URL.

I have already stopped posting anything useful regarding trading and now I shall also curb my activities in the Lounge threads. I had planned to do so anyway once the elections were over.

So, as I have demonstrated above, BP’s purported value is grossly overestimated by you. If and when you decide to ban me, it will prove to be of no consequence to me.

Knock yourself out !!! <Oh! Is that promoting violence too?>

Based on this map Biden will win with 270 to Trump’s 264

This is how you steal an election

Regardless of who wins, my Trend trading strategy will continue to call winners and I will grow my personal wealth


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Biden is not going to be allowed to steal this election.

The next few days will be interesting. Have faith.

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It all comes down to these 6 states, this is how it plays out every election, Democrats always in the middle of the night come up with just enough votes to win a close election

I hope everyone enjoys their President Harris as Bidden will not last a year if he even makes it to the inauguration


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Were you not the one calling for a Trump landslide, I have lots of faith but not in your election prediction. My prediction was right on, close election with Democrats stealing a couple close races. It can still go either way but these people know how to rig elections, they do it all over the world

but as I said before life will go on, we will just need to adjust to living in “A Brave New World”


If Trump wins, would you still consider the elections rigged? :open_mouth:

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