Political Opinion

He did 4 years ago, right?

Democrat party has a long history of voter fraud, from northern union members voting more than once to southern Democrats preventing Blacks from voting. It is known to all that if you are a Republican in a Democrat-controlled district you better win by at least 5% or they will magically find enough votes to defeat you

clearly in 2016 the Dems fell asleep at the switch and did not think they needed to cheat as much to win, In 2020 they were ready

Right, but say Trump wins? Is it still rigged? :open_mouth:

Also does this mean only the Democrats cheat and Republicans definitely don’t?

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Enough about the election , lets get back to making money and my portfolio is up pretty big today

The rigging happen every election regardless who wins, just ask Bernie Sanders supporters how Sanders was cheated in 2016

Do Republican’s cheat, maybe but I have seen little evidence of it over the years


I was calling for a trump landslide and feel like a right dickhead now!

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Republicans use the fear of voter fraud to enact restrictive voting laws. Voter purges and disenfranchisement have a much larger impact on overall voting than any documented voter fraud.

This idea that mail in ballots are less safe is also laughable. If anything, it requires election officials check signatures and voter addresses more than they do for in person voters.

Oh, and Trump has voted by mail in the past. Ivanka voted by mail this election. Kushner voted by mail this election. Safe for them, fraud for everybody else.

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Based on every reasonable assessment he should have won, but that is not how American election work, America is the Empire from Star Wars and until I am handed the power of the Force I will endure

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Aren’t votes still being counted?

Dennis 2024!

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Hmmm… I’d say they would call that ‘circumstantial’ in a court of law :slight_smile:

Anyways, the reason for my interest in voter fraud - in my jurisdiction back a few years there was huge concern regarding this subject, so 2 things were done to combat it.

First it became law that every voter would have to produce photo ID when voting which is meticulously scrutinized before being able to vote.

Second - postal votes - each postal (mail in) vote must be signed by the voter - a computer checks this signature against the signature on the voter registration record for a match - discrepancies are flagged.

Works a treat - long story - I know of one parent who innocently signed on behalf of her son (with his permission) - cops came calling soon after.

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That has been termed racist here in the US.

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John, from a trader pov it’s not really such a big thing - stocks will still go up regardless.

If you are USD player then yes, there are a few things to take on board.

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Unreal! - here we have a choice of passport/driving lic/ special id for voting/ and i forget the other one.

Because of the Good Friday Agreement we can produce an Irish passport even though the election is an UK one - that’s as close as race gets into the scheme of things.

In this country Democrats are opposed to both of these, you see why we have corruption and voter fraud

In the US only Red states require ID

Later than Pennsylvania and Alaska (Republican)?

In April 2020, a 20-year voter fraud study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found the level of fraud “exceedingly rare” since it occurs only in “0.00006 percent” of instances nationally, and, in one state, “0.000004 percent — about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States.”

The result isn’t even final and already they are preparing their lies/excuses

What is the point of all the “predictions” and bragging before the outcome is known?