Political Opinion

Regardless of the final outcome what Donald Trump accomplished first by defeating 16 Republicans in the 2016 primary then by defeating Hillary Clinton with the whole mainstream media helping her has to be up there with David defeating Goliath.

Then in 2020 facing impeachment, pandemic, censorship and the CIA sponsored Big Tech coup Trump still came within 1 state of pulling it off again

Trump was never my man and I disagreed with many of his actions but for what he faced he has my highest respect and he is the only Republican candidate this century I have no regrets voting for and supporting him

God Bless President Donald J Trump

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Now that the election is over I gain ask the question to those who blame Donald Trump for all coronavirus deaths in the US . Who do you blame for the over one million coronavirus deaths outside the US?

I am waiting

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Yes and some will be counted twice, maybe three times

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Just read that Trump campaign has called for an ā€œimmediateā€ recount in Wisconsin, as is their
right if they ā€œloseā€ by 1% or less, which it is.
By ā€œimmediateā€, a recount canā€™t commence until the election is certified, which, according to Wisconsin,
will be Dec 1stā€¦

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Biden will get MI, Trump will get PA, NC & GA, then itā€™ll come down to NV for those final 6 points.

Itā€™s like some twisted reality show.

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Should have saved your money and bought a copy of 1984 instead so you could get your facts right for a change :rofl: :rofl:

Biden just spoke on CNN asking that all votes are counted and promising that, if he wins, he will look to unifying the nation.

What a bummer looks like a photo finish with possible objection and stewards inquiry.
Hope you get it.


Who were the real winners last night
Big Pharma
War Mongers
Big Tech
Career Politicians

the loser


The markets are always right,

Not another premature problem :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Is that an age thing? :rofl: :rofl:

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True - I bought netflicks the day before election, Bitcoin too.

So far so good - short term trades only


The mental gymnastics required to believe this is actually hilarious.

The close mindedness to the obvious is sad

Interesting calendar of events for a Wisconsin recount.

If the outcome of the election sits on Wisconsin, Congress could theoretically end up choosing the next president. High unlikely, but a possibility.

speaking of bitcoin it is above 14K, 20K may only be weeks away, I have a thread in the Bitcoin section that I discuss Bitcoin, you are welcome to check it out

Google was well rewarded today for their part in silencing dissenting voice on YouTube

As I sad earlier , Big Tech was the big winner



Really great - Iā€™ve become a bit of a bitcoin enthusiast - late as that is.

Will check that out

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One thing about the election result should it go Bidens way is I think the dollar is headed way way lower.

It may even reach a stage when it loses its reserve status.

If Kamala is as marxists as some say then heh we may even have venezuela esq situation in time

Im probably being far too melodramatic but there really is a big concern with that lot in charge

In the UK we dodged that bullet by voting massively against the labour party - thank God.

And with Brexit going to be a net positive (even if China Joe doesnā€™t give us a trade deal) maybe Sterling will once again have the mantle for being the worldā€™s strongest.

The only saving grace itā€™s going to be real hard to get through their nutty policies and is going to basically four years of having no government.

Serious question, what would Biden and Harris do to get us to that Venezuela level? Where we are now to currency value dropping off the cliff, if thatā€™s what youā€™re getting at, I just donā€™t see it.