Political Opinion


Sure nothing immediate and I did say I was maybe being melodramatic.

But all it takes is for foreign investors to lose faith in US to stop paying their debts.

Or for capital to find a home outside the states.

They say that the only people who like socialism are those who have never had to live under it

Which is why 70% of Cubans voted Trump

If Biden were to reinforce lock downs well into next year, increase taxes, end US independence on Oil - or even ban oil outright

If democrats run cities are given even more money to squander, along with defunding the police there could eventually be a complete break down in society.

Reduced economic output, with a boosting of money supply, along with dropping it in the homes of low wage workers.

All these are symptoms of a complete lack of trust for government - often ending with a complete lack of trust in the currency as well.

Im not by any stretch a ‘hyperinflatonist’ but I do think there are many legitimate concerns of the current crop of democrats

Biden and Harris aren’t running on a socialism platform, not even a socialist platform. Has anybody? Recently or not? And the administration doesn’t control the Central Bank, which wasn’t the case in Venezuela. And while Biden did mention ending dependence on oil, he said that will happen over time and through a transition period. I assume that to be years. He’s not taking the industry over.

I don’t see this happening. Riots and protest are easily possible. I’m sure there are some going on right now. But wide spread cracks in society? No way. You mention defunding the police. There’s a misconception that it means getting rid of the police completely or taking away their budgets completely. This is wrong. It’s about fiscal responsibility, and shifting money into local communities to help pay for programs focused on dealing with addiction, homelessness and mental health. Defund advocates believe police shouldn’t have to tackle those issues or believe that a police officer should focus on the “regular” policing duties of protecting the community, while having more qualified professionals deal with the non-crime community issues.

I’m sure there are many things that affect the perception of strength of our government and currency. I just don’t see it getting to the point where foreign investment takes a nose dive because of a new administration or investors would risk not ever doing business in the US by stopping payments

Do you really believe that foreign investors would trust the US any less with Biden than they trust Trump today?


You make some fair points.

And I admit that maybe I’m seeing things through my own biases and possibly spent too much time in my own echo chamber.

I sincerely hope i am wrong only time will tell.

I hope Biden is as centrist as you say.


You say he is not running on hard left policies - but many around him are.

The most safest investment in the world is supposedly US Treasury bonds.

If investors get the slightest sniff of marxism they’ll vote with their feet for sure.


Lol - nothing to do with their huge increase in 3rd qtr earnings.

Revenue jumped 45 percent in the third quarter for Google Cloud, driven by its data processing and analytics strengths, the digital shift to the cloud accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic, and its multi-cloud strategy, according to Alphabet/Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Google Cloud’s revenue…increased to $3.44 billion, compared to $2.38 billion in the same quarter last year and just more than $3 billion in the second quarter.

(report from CRN’s Donna Goodison on Sep 29 past)
(CRN is a tech news site)

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Counting illegally cast votes is stealing an election

Tons of reported fraud being reported. And these are merely reports that have not been removed or censored by Big Tech !


Tossing ballots into garbage cans. Caught on live TV !

Due to the rampant fraud perpetrated by the Democratic Party, IMO they should scrap these elections and immediately hold another election with the National Guard / Army manning the polling locations.

In a fair election, I doubt that Joe Biden will win more than 4 or 5 states, if any at all :exclamation:


At least 130,000+ ballots arrived in 3 vehicles in Detroit, MI ALL for Biden

We are united!

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News from a source that is not a leftist propaganda bugle. They are online as well as syndicated across various channels.

Biden got more votes than Obama. Let that sink in and realize how ■■■■■■■■ that sounds.


This is funny. Watch :point_down:t2:

Biden cuts Trumps lead in Georgia to 14,000.
Closing in as the mailed-in votes get counted

Trump tweets on Mail-in ballots fraud. He told us in many ways. DOJ/Barr told us. Now he is showing us. Can’t tell people, must show people. Twit fact check has now been proven a non-factual.

Is that a guess or factual?

But Trumps a known liar. Why would anyone believe him now?

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The fraud being undercovered / reported is nothing short of insane. We have teams all over this in every state. I truly hope the @FBI / @DOJ engages immediately.

-4am dump/Wisconsin 65,000 votes 100% for Biden
-4am dump/Michigan 138,499 votes 100% 4Biden
-AZ poll workers forcing voters to use sharpies thereby invalidated ballots
-Trump leading in GA, NC, PA, WI, MI & they stop counting" before the vote fairy visits overnight…

Relying on Eric Trump for the truth?
You must be desperate :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Some in the MSM still speak the truth. Refreshing :slight_smile:

“This election is an outrageous national disgrace, the culmination of a four year long Democrat and Deep State relentless effort to subvert the Trump agenda, and to overthrow @realDonaldTrump’s Presidency. This election must be decided by the Supreme Court.” — Lou Dobbs
