Political Opinion

Another "reliable " source :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

From Wikipedia
Lou Dobbs is known for anti-immigration views, as well as for various deep stateconspiracy theories and opposition to NAFTA and other trade deals. A Trump confidant, his show is known for its pro-Trump coverage.

Former Attorney General of #Nevada @AdamLaxalt: “We firmly believe that there are many voters in this group of mail-in people that are not proper voters. In the last many days, we have received reports of many irregularities across the valley.

Watch :point_down:t2:

And now an “unbiased” Republican politician
Your sources are a bigger joke than you, and that’s saying something

Sorry, should I be quoting honest Democrats, non-biased Lamestream Media, the non-partizan Big Tech leaders or the “children loving” Hollywood celebrities instead?

Silly me!

At least you got that bit right!

If you didn’t keep posting conspiracy garbage, you wouldn’t have to quote anybody.

Nothing to hide huh?

More instances of Poll watchers being blocked

Latest: Biden lead in Nevada widens. Now 12k ahead

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Only ones posting conspiracy garbage are you crayon welding lot.

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Learn to spell, dope

Were you looking in the mirror when you typed that? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Trump closes the gap in Arizona

Trust Us - There is no fraud occurring :grinning:

They have padlocked the doors. “Detroit election officials are currently refusing to let the public observe the counting process at the TCF center.

Those numbers are out of date. Counting continues until all votes are counted, didn’t you know that :roll_eyes:

Biden leads Wisconsin by 20k votes, 99% count complete.
Looks like another 10 in the bag

President Trump and his supporters continue to try to raise suspicions about fraud and the vote count.

One viral video, shared by the president’s son, Eric, appeared to show around 80 ballots being put into a bag, doused with a flammable liquid, and set on fire.

But officials in the city of Virginia Beach (in the state of Virginia), which is led by a Republican mayor, released a statement on election day explaining that the ballots shown in the video lacked official markings – and were merely samples.

The city said fire investigators were looking into the incident as an “illegal burning”.

Despite this, Eric Trump shared the video on Twitter, where it was liked, shared and commented on almost 100,000 times.

His post linked to an account that has since been suspended by Twitter. That user has since posted the video on his YouTube page. YouTube has yet to take action.

They’ve been at it for months :bangbang:

Watch as he locates dead William live on his phone :point_down:t2: