Political Opinion

You Guys are Going Down :exclamation:


Attempting to steal an election with mass voter fraud is far from honor and decency.

First hand report of ballot being stolen.

William Bradley from Wayne County, Michigan, voted for Joe Biden. William Bradley died in 1984.

Wait … Did they just figure out it’s liberals that are the fascists? :smile:

Judicial Watch Finds 1.8 Million ‘Ghost Voters’ In 29 States, Warns Of ‘Dirty Elections’

The study found 8 states showing state-wide registration rates exceeding 100%:
Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

The Trump campaign has evidence of at least 10,000 deceased people having their names used to cast ballots in Clark County, NV.

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This is happening here in America :bangbang: Watch :point_down:t2: :point_down:t2: :point_down:t2:

And so is everyone including you who pushed the 3 year lie of Russiagate, This is the lie of the current century

And I am still waiting you to answer my question , Who is responsible for the 1 million virus deaths outside the US

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We are witnessing REAL Stalinism in America… This is unbelievable…

Patriots show up in droves to the Arizona State capital TICKED about the attempt to STEAL the election

This is huge :bangbang:

Mainstream Is Censoring This AP OneWire Press Release About Obvious Election Fraud, So I Am Leaking It.


Good afternoon ladies.
Trumps lead slipping away as more mailed in votes get counted in Pennsylvania and Georgia.
In each, Biden needs about 65% of the uncounted votes to win. Sounds a lot, but he’s been averaging around 75% of mailed votes so its very achievable.

So much for the Trump landslide some fools were predicting :rofl: Stick to knitting, ladies.

Biden said, “Folks, I don’t need you to get me elected.”

Now we know why :bangbang:


Joe Biden: "We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”


Still lying and peddling other peoples lies.
When will you learn?

These people are sooooo dumb ! :smile:

Its ridiculous that Nevada may not finish until Monday or Tuesday.
The system needs improving, this is the 21st century after all.

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Election staff take ‘day off’ in PA county with 35K ballots to count

Another Republican lawyer being escorted out in Michigan.

Bombshell report: More than 223,000 mail-in ballots sent to wrong addresses – in Nevada alone

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Remember that President Trump won all FIVE STATES in 2016 which he now needs to win re-election.

Joe Biden is preforming better in states that take longer to count votes. :thinking:

Michigan has questions to answer :exclamation:

Mich Gov Whitmer sent health dept into Detroit TFC Center to evict GOP pollwatchers but not Dem pollwatchers or media, claiming COVID concerns despite 40k-sq-ft bldg


Hi ponponwei,

I just want to thank you for showing respect for someone else’s opinion that you may not agree with or understand, there are those on this thread who could learn much from you,

thanks again


Healthcare ETF shoots to an all-time high as the new president gives them the green light to charge whatever they want

My advice to everyone don’t get sick the next 4 years


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Writer’s cramp perhaps ? :wink: