Political Opinion

Today we celebrate the great man - the last person to enter Parliament in the UK with Honourable Intentions - this is the anniversary of the date of that visit - 5th November 1605 !

Seems Appropriate just at the moment !



Stop being such a hypocrite, painting yourself as some shining beacon and not for the first time. You’ve been as guilty of mud-slinging here as anyone else


Anyone else sees the latest move in Bitcoin being tied to our election or is this just another coincidence


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Nevada @USPS Carrier Caught On Tape Pledging Voter Fraud To Remove @realDonaldTrump From Office

Impinging on POTUS’ 1st amendment rights is not enough. This fool (a lawyer :roll_eyes:) wants Twitter to suspend the President’s account :bangbang:

It will take years to document all the voter fraud of the last 48 hrs,

If you don’t believe this is true try asking a Bernie Sanders supporter how good the Democrats are at rigging an election

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“ people should not be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of the people “

The quote was never more true than right now

Partial election results should never be made public, and all ballots should be counted at one time and when made public it should include 100% of the vote, none of this 80% and we will count the rest later in the week

:smile: :smile: :smile:

Another funny comment on Twatter :grin:

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Did somebody say something about Conspiracy Theories? :thinking:

Speaking about Trump, Republican pundit SE Cupp, formerly of Fox News and now with CNN, said: “This is a sad, small man, incoherently rattling off his grievances, because there’s literally nothing else he can do to stop what’s happening – legally and legitimately.”

Television personality Demi Burnett said the president’s “demeanour seems sad and defeated”, while comedian John Fugelsang said the speech was “overmedicated lethargic gibberish even by Combover Caligula’s standards”.

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That’s how communists do it - keep everything secret and then announce the ‘result’.

I thought the Nevada electoral official spoke well detailing all the results, the votes yet to be counted and so on.

Anyways it will be up to the courts to decide these matters - hopefully no violence.

UK TV reported on 2 neighbours, one red and one blue - they were sat on the porch chatting. Someone had stolen the Democratic supporters banner and the Republican supporter went and replaced it - brilliant…

I am open to other ideas, the problem is we have three separate election, the mail in election, the early voter election and the Election Day election, The more complicated the process the more opportunity for fraud or at least the appearance. We know that Democrats already oppose voter ID, If we can’t even be sure the people voting are US citizens or not posing as someone else how can we ever have faith in the system

At this point I would say vote in person and dip your finger in ink, make it as simple as possible

This is the one thing we all should be able to agree on

It is pretty clear why a true democracy does not exist anywhere In the word. The United States is a Represented Republic , the only element of True Democracy is in the Presidential election and we have shown we can’t even do that

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Alex Belfield is quite prolific and worth a watch now and again !


Any other ideas, you can bet that women voted Biden, and her parents should be ashamed of them selves for bringing such a despicable person into the world.

I wish we could apply community stands guidelines to these people

Trump warned of the problem with mailed in ballots 6 months ago, boy was he right

The good old US of America. Population 328 million plus. And the best you can offer is Biden or Trump. Lads, no wonder the world holds a different opinion about ya’ll.

As the saying goes “be careful for what you wish for, sometimes you just might get it!”

And for the record, I would had voted Trump.


Yeah. The rest of the world has it SO much better! (That was sarcasm)