Political Opinion

Complete List of Suspected Fraud Issues in 2020 Election Sorted by State with Recommended Actions on How to Address

While evidence of past fr@ud comes to light, they are still in the process of committing fr@ud in real time. That’s how stupi[d] these people are


Q, you do know that your Florida-based programmer was hired to create this vote-rigging code for the Republicans?
And guess who won Florida?
Looks like you’re accusing your own side of vote-rigging :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Good of Pfizer to announce their covid vaccine today, rather than a week ago.
Still, I don’t suppose it would have influenced voters since Trumpsters think covid is a hoax anyway
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Smartmatic a UK company involved with Soros bought a California company that controlled voting machines in 16 states.

Mark Malloch Brown (Chairman of the Board of Smartmantics), serves on the Open Societies Foundation Board (founded by George Soros- Malloch Brown’s ties to Soros are strong and many.)

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As we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position.

President Trump was smashing expectations and liberal media predictions in the state on Election night.

At 5:12 AM the state lost 169,000 votes from 5:07 AM to 5:12 AM in the morning.


Explanation of the manipulation software HAMMER & SCORECARD by Kirk Wiebe (former senior NSA analyst) According to Kirk Wiebe, Donald Trump will have no problem proving the fraud!

How Biden “won”

[ One of many such videos ]

Trump has some classy friends :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Donald Trump’s lawyer and former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, brought out a convicted sex offender to support the president’s claims of voter fraud. Daryl Brooks spoke at Giulani’s press conference on Saturday in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he claimed to be a Republican poll watcher

Sounds like someone who can be trusted :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

To all observers Outside the USA.

**The unDemocrats are certainly supported by some people who must be condemned by all of us outside the USA (AND our members within it ! ) **

These actions - whether you ‘believe’ the Biden Team have or have not cheated in an illegal way can do nothing but bring the USA Electoral system and into disrepute !

ANd Make the USA a laughing stock throughout the world.

These people are behaving in a way which we could expect from CCCP and some third world countries. But surely this is NOT acceptable within 'The Country which is the Leader of the free world’

For the avoidance of doubt I call upon those members with whom some of us disagree on this thread to dissociate themselves from and condemn the actions and words by those people recorded in this video.

to wit ;






Fox News cuts out of McEnany

Any media outlets cut off @AdamSchiff or @ericswalwell when they claimed they had proof of Russian collusion?

Link to the full lawsuit the Trump campaign has filed in Pennsylvania. 105 pages.


[ These people are not too bright, are they? :smile: ]

Donald Trump won by a landslide !

The name is God, and yes

Worship God and follow Jesus is a life worth living

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So we have a cure for the virus and stock market has a record opening, all on President Trump’s watch. Again I voted for Trump and remain proud of it

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Here’s why this election is the most important election, not just for the US but for the entire freedom loving world. :point_down:t2: :point_down:t2: :point_down:t2:

As I said last week, the real winner of last Tuesday election was big Pharma, do you need any more proof


The Biden Family is the most corrupt political family in American history

Pro-@realDonaldTrump #StopTheSteal supporters in #Lansing #Michigan violently attacked by #BLMAntifaTerrorists claiming victory for @JoeBiden!!

They are creating a retribution list of Trump supporters. What do you think their objective is? Sing Kumbaya while holding your hand?!

Apparently not in the eyes of some here who only want to hear identical voices to their own…how very sad and childish.
And there I was thinking free speech was alive and well, seems that only applies here if you have far-right political views.
Continue churning out your Qanonsense rhetoric and idiotic conspiracies, you’re welcome to them.

Enjoy 4 years of President Biden and Vice-president Harris, how nice it will be to have adults running the White House after the last 4 years of kindergarten politics

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Payback is a Bitch ! :grin: