Political Opinion

Hilarious Parody :joy:

Then in the name of free speech - denounce this - total attack on exactly that - as I Called upon ypu to do already !

How Michigan Vote Counters Are Trained To Commit Election Fraud!

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That image is disturbing. And I’m saying that with all seriousness. It could literally be anyone, it could be Trump, it could be whoever, I would still say the same thing. Is this what you consume on a daily basis @QuadPip?

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Eric Trump Becomes Twitter Laughingstock After Urging People To Vote… 1 Week Late

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You find that cartoon image disturbing?!

Have you seen the images that have been made public from Hunter’s laptop? How about the images and videos of Biden sniffing and touching children and women inappropriately? Do you also find those disturbing? If so, why have you not denounced those images, and the actions they depict, as yet?

Are we supposed to cater to your sensibilities and appease you at the expense of exposing the vile and criminal behavior we are witnessing?

Looks like we have another hypocrite crayon wielder who’s decided to wake up at this critical time.

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Mathematical evidence the election was stolen

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Well I’m sure that’s another of your amazing unbiased sources :rofl:

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We can’t all conform to your high standards, truthful and unbiased stance in reporting stuff.

Perhaps you want to share your sources of information with us? And while you do that please also point out the inaccurate information contained in those linked pages? We will all appreciate that very much!

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They might have to fumigate the White House to get rid of the stench from Trump

The White House has reportedly been lighting rose-scented candles to mask the smell of fast food ordered by Donald Trump and his team. The President has spent days holed up in the White House since the election was called for Joe Biden on Saturday. Insiders told the Daily Mail that the atmosphere inside the West Wing is ‘manic, exuberant, energised and toxic’.
They said that some staff have been lighting rose-scented candles to try and calm tensions and also to mask the smell of fast food that has been delivered to Trump and his inner circle.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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:clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:

Brilliant reporting!!! If only we could all strive to such excellence!

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Obama Officials Used SuperComputer #TheHammer For ILLEGAL & UNCONSTITUTIONAL Data Harvesting & Surveillance

…And here’s the beginning of the red wave :smile:

He just found out Trump won PA and AZ back…GA next…

As your all so keen on election fraud…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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The Trump “stupid” genes seem strong

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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If I’d known Biden was open to ‘lockdowns’ as he now states, … I would never have voted for him.

I know I said I’m out of this thread but have decided to challenge.

To me it seems ironic that a UK guy challenges US guys on the need to adhere to legality and likens illegality to the CCCP and other third world countries.

The UK is currently preparing legalisation that authorizes it’s government to breach international law.

When questioned in Parliament about the legality of the new law the UK Govt minister (Sec of State for N.Ireland) replied:

“Yes this does break international law, in a very specific and limited way.”

(i.e. it affects only our near neighbour which is only a small country).

Last night the upper house, the house of lords, rejected the law because of the illegality, the UK Government spokesman confirmed that they will enact the law regardless.

1.5 minutes of international shame?

Devon Archer, named Joe and Hunter Biden, right, as possible witnesses in a fraud case, according to a recording recovered from Hunter’s laptop.

BREAKING: America’s top diplomat, Sec. Pompeo, just said “There will be a smooth transition to the second Trump Administration.” :exclamation:

DOJ’s action acknowledges that it’s over too?

LOL. Watch video. Not a single supporter shows up! Still, Biden gets more votes than Obama did. Riiiiight ! :joy:

Wedding Was Hosted At a Polling Location After the Election — Look What They Found In the Trash