Political Opinion

that’s your person opinion, i respect that.

Funny how the crayon crew refuses to answer any question that the answer is not Trump, It is like having a debate with Apple’s Siri, they can only give the answers they are programed to give, no independent thought.

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okay Siri, what is evil?

I real believe smallpaul is a narrow AI bot, like a first generation Siri


Just for reference when I asked the real Siri what is evil it sent me to a Wikipedia page with this

“Evil, in a general sence is the opposite or absence of good. It can be an extremely broad concept, although in everyday usage is often used more narrowly to talk about profound wickedness”

So far that beats anything we have seen from the crayon crew

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you have your opinion and i have mine, why continue to waste my time, i said what i said and that’s that nothing else i can do for you but waste your time. :yawning_face:

EDIT: " the crayon crew " say what you really wanna say you might feel better, no need to speak in code :face_with_monocle:

Has anyone seen this, I often reference the book as to what is happening in our society today, So far no movie or TV series has done the book justice

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Here is the propaganda the news media is adding to the end of all their stories,

When did “School Segregation” become a problem again, I don’t remember that in any debate

I do agree with the “Racial Wealth Gap” as LeBron James makes more money per game than this white boy made in the last 10 years


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Lock him up! If Trump refuses to leave the scene after his defeat, there’s an obvious solution

Mr. Paul, I am still waiting for you to tell us what you think is evil and some examples of evil from the Democrats

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what’s the " the crayon crew

That is a nickname Falstaff gave to a group of trolls that only come on here to start fights and post bad things about the President, I hope you do not fall into that group, they are not nice people

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so posting bad things about the president makes them not nice people. the thread is all yours enjoy

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Attacking other members does, this forum is for Political Opinion, that is welcome, but Trolling the thread with unwanted posting is not

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You’re such a hypocrite.
Its fine for you and the other far-right racists on here to say what you want, including trolling individual members and name-calling, but if anyone with a different political point of view says something you don’t like you can’t take it.

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A very good example today of the difference having a decent human being in the White House will make, just as soon as the president-reject gets thrown out.

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trump trying to get credit for something he had nothing to do with

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Why Biden might have to let Trump off the hook

Trump’s White House could destroy records to ‘cover its own tracks’ — and ‘sabotage’ Biden

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Crayon crew here. I like posting facts. Others don’t like facts. The facts tend to dump on Trump since, well, he does and says a lot of dumb things in real time. And he’s the president. I’m not a fan of his. Never have been. And it looks like a majority of voters feel the same way. That’s refreshing.


A gigantic new trade bloc shows how the US ceded influence to China under Trump

**MAGA - make asia great again

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