Political Opinion

Like it, and I would much rather be a member of the Crayon Crew than of the Incontinent Crew - no wonder the old men are always complaining. Not a lot to look forward to at their age- adult diapers, dementia, and a visit from the guy with the scythe.


Looks like Chump wanted to go out with a bang

President Donald Trump had to be talked down from a missile strike on Iran’s main nuclear site last week, according to reports in the US. The outgoing President asked for options on attacking the country during a dramatic meeting in the Oval Office last week, but was persuaded that the plan risked war. Mr Trump asked ‘whether he had options to take action against Iran’s main nuclear site in the coming weeks,’
A US official who confirmed the story also told Reuters: ‘He (Mr Trump) asked for options. They gave him the scenarios and he ultimately decided not to go forward’. The request came on Thursday during a meeting with his top national security aides, including Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, new acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The officials persuaded him not to go ahead with the plan and risk a broader conflict in the last weeks of his presidency. Mr Trump, who has refused to concede the election despite comfortably being beaten by Democratic rival Joe Biden earlier this month, has already killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani during a turbulent four-years in power in which he has been aggressive towards the country.

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Trump campaign would have to pay nearly $8 million for Wisconsin recount

That is precisely why I look upon them as ;

It is very true that none of them seems to have the breadth of capacity to be able to answer ANY questions - and simply re-posts “stuff” their directors place their little hands to “take home to your mum…” :slightly_smiling_face:

One of those questions - I have asked without any sign of ability on their part to answer is ;

Why do you hate President Trump so much ?

And today I came across a thoughtful and considered answer to that question - which also touches upon some other subjecrs like ‘UBI’, ‘what if the US Dollar stops being the World reserve currency?’, MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) - and the question of Ever increasing world’s debt generally ! - ‘socialism’ is also touched on !

So here it is - from the man who refuses to be assassinated ; :wink:

Hope youall like it ! :wink: :slightly_smiling_face:

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you like to blame Trump for things he has nothing to do with, so lets call it even

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Just like my question

Who do you blame for the over one million virus deaths outside the US

And then there is the new kid who likes call things Evil but cannot even define the word

And my answer to the question of why some people Hate Trump is simple, Trump is a winner, and people on the left hate winners, so they have to spend every waking moment looking for something to hate about Trump, that must be a horrible way to live one’s life looking for reasons to hate someone


I can think of 79 million people who would disagree with that.

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McConnell: Transfer of presidential power won’t be delayed


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Logically there are some who feel their genetic base to be existentially challenged as identified in my link ;
I suggest you watch the video x

…Why People Hate Donald Trump | Stefan Molyneux from Freedomain - YouTube
See whether you really DO fall into that category ? :slightly_smiling_face:

[Personally I suspect you are rather better tan that - but - hey we’ll see ! ]


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Trump ousts Homeland Security cyber chief Chris Krebs, who called election secure

I post this without comment -

I simply do not know what to say :thinking:

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So when Trump leaves office in two months does that mean the Crayon Crew will leave this thread. After all what will they talk about, maybe they can be cheerleaders for war with Syria and Iran, or just parrot mainstream news propaganda like the new kid or and I know this is a long shot maybe they might finally tell us who they blame for the now 1.4 million virus deaths outside the US

In any case I will not be holding my breath in anticipation

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To the foreign operatives (non US citizens) on this sight who just parrot msn propaganda. You have no idea what life is like in my country, or the hardships the Government has brought to most of the population. From student loan debt that can take a lifetime to repay to mandatory health insurance so expensive most people can never use it as they have no money left for the deductible. We are seeing our civil liberties slowly taken away, free speech is no longer free but must be paid for through some Tech giant who has the final word on what of your words will be seen by others. Our news media once vast and diverse is now controlled by a handful of mega corporations owned by some of the richest people in the world.

You will often see me refer to dystopian novels like 1984, Brave New World and Hunger Games as examples of where my country is headed. If voting for a TV Reality Show host will delay an dystopian future by a few years and expose the architects of such a future then I am proud to have done a small part in giving my country a few more years


The crayon crew have as much right here as the Incontinent Crew.
Its not an extreme-right only thread.


So ending foreign wars and restoring middle class America is now labeled “extreme-right”

I see you wasted no time breaking out the crayons

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Here are a few more of my positions, are they extreme right enough for you

Healthcare that will not bankrupt you
End of student loan debt

and trump was about to end foreign wars and end student debt, and where is his health care plan he said he was gonna replace obamacare with, and let’s not talk about him hiding his taxes, and now china just created a strong trading block where they no longer will rely on america for business. america we are in big trouble heading into the future

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