Political Opinion

Is this what cost Trump the Election ?

His vote share from all “ID Groups” - increased - except for ONE !

Black men - Up
Black women - Up
Latinos - Up
White Women - Up
White Men - DOWN by 5% !

Now since overall among the other Groups - his share was up by around 5% we could perhaps consider that his share among white men ( who were generally thought to be his “power base” ) should have been Up by around 5% which when added to the decline means he lost out on about 10% of white male votes.

I have been puzzling over this for some time - then just now I heard This - and I think this is the Real reason he seems to have lost the election ! AND I have to say that had he done THIS to me during my period of vulnerability - r to a close relative or friend - I TOO would have voted AGAINST Him !

Just listen to the next minute or so to hear what I am talking about !

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Which part of “Nobody wants war” didn’t you understand?
Let me say it in words even a dementia-inflicted member of the Incontinent Crew can understand.
I don’t want war, bring the troops home.
Is that clear enough for you? :roll_eyes:

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Gramps is losing it again. Careful Gramps, we don’t want you having another ‘accident’ do we?

And once again - Deflection, lies and abuse are being used to evade the truth - that he can’t even do a sum intended for a 10-11 year old by stating;

When the reality is ;

Thank you, why do you make this so hard, it is like the worst thing in the world for you is for us to agree on anything


So are all the hate mems posted of Donald Trump by some here also racist

and can you explain just how a photo can be racist,

and what happen to this deputy’s freedom of speech

Again, 100% in agreement with you. Police are being put in a no win situation without proper training or the backing of the community.

I am not going to reply to all your comments but I do hope we can have some more civil disagreements and even the occasional agreement

Take care


try going into a airport and yell the word bomb and see what happens, freedom of speech has consequences

Trump appoints speechwriter fired for attending conference with white nationalists to commission that preserves Holocaust memorials

This should make you feel better Dennis3450 :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

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Leftest and Trump hater calls out Biden for corruption in his cabinet picks

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Come on D., you’re kidding here aren’t you?
3 white people represented by pumpkins, traditional at this time of year, but the person of colour represented by a watermelon.

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Why is it difficult for you to understand “nobody wants war”?

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that is like saying nobody wants to go to the doctor and has nothing to do with the question of bringing the Troops home, you make this so hard

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I never saw the picture and don’t care too, so white people as pumpkins is not racist and a women who is part Hispanic, part black and part white as a watermelon is racist, is that really an offense worth someones job

and would that also make you a racist for some of pictures you post of Donald Trump, you tend to be the very thing you accuse others of being, think about it

No-one has answered, but it seems maybe it’s not fake news -

"The entire election frankly in all the swing states should be overturned and the legislatures should make sure that the electors are selected for Trump,"

So says Sidney Powell,according to Fox news, who being an experienced lawyer would have some insight into the legal possibilities.

Again - is this all fake news or is it for real?

Show me a racist Trump meme.

There has been plenty of fraud. There will be no way to quantify it, however.

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So how can you say

When you haven’t bothered looking at it and in all likelihood won’t?
:see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil:

So how do you know?
Oh yes, Lindsey Graham got caught didn’t he