Political Opinion

Giuliani admits to exaggerating claims of voter fraud after saying Detroit had more voters than citizens

If someone out of the blue tries to label me a racist I will absolutely flag that post and lobby for that person to be removed from the Forum. Just like calling fire in a crowded theater there are lines that cannot be crossed.

You can post what ever crazy thing you want here and we can respectively disagree but ugly personal attacks that violate the forums rules will be reported

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It reminds me of the media and every democrat politician exaggeration of Russian interference in the 2016 election, and to this date not one media or democrat has admit too or apologize for the 3 year long russiagate lie

You flagged me for saying " If you don’t want to be labelled racist, don’t defend those that post racist content"
That isn’t calling you a racist.

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Okay, I will bite, no name calling from this post forward. Everyone who agrees hit the like button

so there is note voter fraud, :ok_hand: i agree there is none

President Donald Trump agreed to let the transition to a Biden administration proceed only after being told by advisors that he wouldn’t have to say he conceded defeat

so you come here to continue your sad life you already have :pray:

That is your opinion, I see it differently, The word “racist” has been weaponized just as the “N” word was weaponized, I find the use of such words against other forum members totally inappropriate. Now as in my last post I am willing to reframe from any name calling, are you

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As someone who lives in this country there is plenty of voter fraud, and there is also incompetence in the people running the elections in many parts of the country. We also have a democrat party that wants non-US citizens and convicted criminals to vote, ad this to the Democrats saying no to voter ID and you have an election process that cannot be trusted

Again, as per my post which you flagged

“The TDS/lefties/Marxist/troll/crayon Crew name-calling from you and your ally began long before I called you anything. You still persist in calling me Mark even though I have said that isn’t my name, but for some reason you seem to find it amusing…
I have seen nothing that suggests your behaviour will change, and until that happens I shall continue as I please.”

So, if you cut it out I will also stop

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Do I need to ad personal attacks to the no name calling ban

Mark is in your screen name, just like Dennis is in mine , but sense we are all playing nice now what name would you like me to call you.

Speaking of nice when do you plan to change you avatar, it screams name calling and I find it very offensive

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So much for all those fake msn stories claiming the military would be needed to remove Trump, just more fear mongering

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after dividing the people trump have done enough, time to move on america

you said you don’t come here for cheering up so would it be better if i said you come here to be sad :crazy_face: this guy needs help big time

I guess people can flag whatever they like, but why would the site do anything? I can’t see anything to verify these photographs but the accompanying stories have had wide circulation in respected mainstream media.

i have no problem with those photos, but i do know every country have their own way of dealing with the virus, the western worlds deal with the virus different then lets say china but people wanna put their way of thinking on how another country should deal with the virus and think their right.

Why do you think the post was taken down?

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i don’t know maybe because china said so, serious i don’t know