Political Opinion

Does anyone here feel the above does not need to be flagged

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flag for what? you post something and i responded to you and because you donā€™t like my response you want me flag. dude at some point you have to get out your feelings and just man up

so my post was flag because dennis3450 felt as tho i abuse him, sad world we live in when a man takes the easy way out instead of holding his own.

As I said before if you want this forum to be the wild wild west and anything goes I am okay with that, but others have agreed to tone it down and be a bit more respectful of each otherā€™s opinion. That is the course I am taking, but one person here seems to have other ideas and needs to leave this thread

so you felt disrespect, i said what i said, some men fold to the pressure it is what it is, you will remember those moment tho thatā€™s for sure

It was personal abuse and offensive.


I have lived in the US but did not experience the busing programme.
I have some Bitcoin, but you have another thread for that which is a better place to discuss than here

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so if i say get out your feeling and man up and stop crying, thatā€™s personal and abusive , iā€™m from the days where men act like men and man up to any kind of pressure, itā€™s like i donā€™t believe in internet bullying when you have the option to turn it off are go to another page, i damn sure not gonna kill myself. iā€™m not weak or weak minded

If you use profane language in the UK in a public space so as to cause harassment, alarm or distress you would be arrested and prosecuted. So you should not be surprised that such a post on this forum might be flagged and deleted and that further action may result.

With the death of America only a few weeks away and the beginning of the new Peoples Socialist States of America (PSSA) one must ask what kind of dystopia will Biden bring to us, the repressive government of 1984, the hyper-consumerism of Brave New World, or will we be made to fight one another for the entertainment of the elites as in Hunger Games. My guess is we will see a blending of all three
25% 1984
50% Brave New World
25% Hunger Games

Humans have lived through far worse and we will get through this, lets just remember who the enemy is and not turn on each other

God Bless Us All


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lol i cause you guys harm and distress, iā€™m good bro i see what kind of men im dealing with, i wash my hands

Good hygiene is only to be commended.


back to politics, gotta keep that good hygiene :+1:

Obama says Americans voted for Trump because Republicans cast white men as ā€˜victimsā€™

Biden officially tops 80 million votes, beating Obamaā€™s record by 10 million

Trump got 73 million votes, that is 2 million more than Obama, do you think Obama is jealous.

" sincere beliefā€™ that white males are ā€˜under attack, " You think?

Hillary Clintonā€™s damnation calling us Deplorable and un-redeemable kind of set the stage,

This was kinda interesting perhapsā€¦?

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80 million votes for Biden, that is pretty remarkable for a man who could not fill a high school gym , if these votes are legit what that tells us is most of these people where not voting for Biden but against Trump. We saw the same thing in 2016 when people voted not for Trump but against Hillary

I was thinking the same thing, Dennis. Biden campaigned onā€¦wellā€¦other then ā€œIā€™m not Trumpā€, I have no idea what he campaigned onā€¦from his basement without answering any questionsā€¦

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bottom line trump never won the popular vote, electoral college button pushers gave him the first election. so the america people never voted him in office