Political Opinion

Yes he is a bot , no human talks like this

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I have to say - your opinion is gaining ground @Dennis3450

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I see it is being reported that President Trump has pardon General Flynn, how different things might have been had he been allowed to serve, next I want to see Snowden and Assange pardon

Truth tellers and whistle blowers should not be treated as criminals in my country

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Biden’s cabinet of Lobbyists grows , if you want to know who he picked for Secretary of State, Jimmy Dore has the low down, no surprise this guy is a war hawk and had his fingers on all of Obamas wars

Take it away Jimmy

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and the American news media still claims that Russia interfered with the 2016 election without ever offering any proof, living in a fantasy world seems to be common for everyone in Washington DC


there will always be people that whine and cry about something, politics does that to people

opinion :joy:

75% of every donation to Trump’s ‘election defense fund’ could be spent by the president himself on things like paying family members or financing a 2024 bid

Patrick Bet-David breaks down the Biden economy, expect trillion in new money printed out of thin air, if you want your share of soon to be worthless fiat learn where Biden’s priorities are and who he is appointing to his cabinet

There is no reason we can’t follow the money and pickup a few crumbs

Oh Bless your heart

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thank you, same to you

Has anyone really been far as decided to use, even go want to do look more like

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nobody knows

It might be female, but it doesn’t look like its a person.

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone



Can’t be any worse than the totally out-of-their-depth family members Trump handed jobs to

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Happy Thanksgiving Carlos, I hope you and your family have a wonderful day together

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone


Cuomo Defends Trump against ‘Unprofessional’ and ‘Really Biased’ Media