Political Opinion

US media is nothing but propaganda and is the enemy of every American


For our USA friends - I’m not sure how much you are being told about what is going on in these Court cases - but our old friend Carl B is taking an interest

He has done a podcast a few hours ago - yu may find helpful in condensing the issues known so far !

Here’s a taster;

The Kraken Wakes !


Here’s the Full Podcast which sounds as though there is likely to be some fun !

All I can say is WOW !

1.8 million ballots sent out
1.4 million returned
2.5 million votes c ounted off them
260,000 returned before they were sent out -

The rest of teh world is watching YOU ! :woozy_face:

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President Trump said this would happen, there is just no way to have a secure honest election with this many mail in ballots


the media just as anti america as our fellow americans who hate base on race or religion

The diff being 90% of the media v what, 5% of Americans?


no difference if your ant-america your anti-america.

The Trump administration is trying to bring back firing squads and electrocutions for some federal executions

Very true, and I would guess those 5% get all there hate from the news media

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Oh Bless your heart


lol i figure you would say that, i just know your kind :roll_eyes:

Yes our @Dennis3450 is very kind :slightly_smiling_face:

Most of us are less so - …

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yes i agree


I’ve been following this very intently. I even watched the full Pennsylvania hearings and witness sworn testimony on penalty of perjury.

I’ve a fair few never trumper friends and they just cannot bring themselves round to believing there is actually any evidence.

From what I’ve been following there is a mountain full of it.

After telling them of the hearings (which not one of them watched) they pretty much all said that witness testimony is not evidence and you guessed it is - just conspiracy theory.

You just cannot get through to these people - but me thinks there are going to be some very disappointed never Trumpers soon.

Incidentally back in 2018 Trump signed an executive order looking into foreign interference into US election - right after the 2016 mid terms.

Dominion software is a foreign actor and it APPEARS they have been investigated for a long time.

Of course maybe I’m just a right wing nut, proud boy, gun slinging, nazi, deplorable, sexist, tin foil hat wearer - or maybe there is actually some truth in all this.

Right now I’d give odds of 65/35 Trump will still be president after end of January.


Classic TDS Trump Derangement Syndrome, they will totally close there minds to anything that does not fit their bigotry towards the President

I don’t share your optimism for Trump to remain in office, Trump supporters will take the defeat and go about their live, Biden supporters on the other hand would burn down the country with the media cheering them on


And what kind am I, here are some choices

i no longer eat sweets or candy but they all look good


As a hater of Trump just out of interest what do you make of the witness testimony’s at the Pennsylvania hearings?

Do you think they are legitimate complaints or do you think they are paid stooges of Rudy Giuliani?

Genuinely interested in you thoughts

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i really don’t know, i move on what i think about the election

In Thanksgiving Message, Trump Says ‘We’re Like a Third-World Country’ Because He Lost Election


That’s honest.

I watched the hearings on youtube - yes I lead a sad life I know - and for me (I like to think I’m rational) the witness all seemed credible

Remember there are going to be hearings in other swing states too - Pennsylvania already blocked certification pending a proper review of all the evidence, and likely other states will follow suit

Ultimate certification can be determined by the legislature in questionable circumstances, and it does appears there is now enough of that.

So this could end up getting voted on in the House of Representatives (which I what I think Trumps legal team are playing for)
In such a case he will likely win.

My question to you is, should voter fraud actually have won the election for Biden - as a raging never Trumper do you think that fraud was actually justified or not?

Does criminality in this case have merit to get rid of the EVIL Orange man bad?

Or if it could be proven the election was rigged would you accept Trump deserves a second term?