Political Opinion

Perhaps the reality of Slavery might interest You ? - It interested and surprised Me !

[Don’t watch this if you’re Irish :wink: ]

Seen it, big Carlin fan actually.

Okay, just one more, If you think Trump is bad, listen to Carey Wedler take down Obama, Like Carlin but prettier


So have you taken the time to read any of them?? Or do you have any intention of reading any of them??

Perhaps a better book that might fit you thinking. “White Fragility” by Robin DeAngelo.

That my friend is a poor excuse for bad behaviour.

Mmmm another attempt to brush aside very bad behaviour by the Democrats.



What a shame one can only give a single “LIKE” :slightly_smiling_face:


Have you actually read that ? - I take my lead from Murray “I read this crap - so you don’t have to …” - But hey SHe gets paid $20,000 + per hour - for beating up people who have nothing to feel guilty about in the first place !



The shennanigans happened mainly in democratically ran states - or cities.

Even then it was only in a few counties - this is where the Trump team are focusing

Seriously, if you are in doubt about any of this just watch the open hearings from Pennsylvania and Arizona - Georgia to follow I believe

It’s hard to confront our own confirmation biases but I for one would like to know what’s going on regardless of my political opinion.

Alternatively you could read some of the onlinr affadavits

Some of these witnesses are military intelligence, data scientists, experienced poll observers.

The statistical data alone proves probable cause.

Not too mention the leading players of Dominion software have all disappeared.

I really don’t like having to do all this digging, and for the most part stay away from conspiracy but as fairly rational person I do see things that maybe some are refusing to look at no


I really don’t mind being wrong with all this - as a trader I’m used to be wrong.

I hope the world is not nearly as a sinister place and really this all means nothing at all

Time will tell

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For which we have to put the onus of resposibility on ;

  • a - Ancell Keys
  • b - Government lack of critical thinking (cf - “Paris accord”)

Then take a look a these ;

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just like that the convo goes from economic and how the government gonna shape america future to obesity in kids, yes obesity is a problem in america and has been for 50+yrs and we still have the same problem. nothing has change and if we don’t change our way of thinking on our future the economy will also get out of hand

I’m not quite sure what you are saying - but perhaps you should buy a computer and some earphones - and watch the documentary I have posted


I have. It was a very hard book to read as she repeats the premise of the book several times throughout the book.

The overall theme is that white people are born racists, because of their whiteness and no matter what white people do throughout their lives they have no way of ever atoning for their self righteous bigoted white privilage. The title of the book, White Fragility is exactly what she explains in the book what white people have to do to be less fragile when challenged about their white supremacy and their racist attitudes.

I found the book boring to read, filled with unsubstantiated accusations and I give it a half star out of 5.



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20yrs ago i was a stage hand at a concert venue and i did a george carling show and was a fan every since, good dude

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i will when i get the chance i’m a full time forex trader so i’m trading at the moment

The CEO made a statement today.

About the rise of the Dominion voting “theory”

OANN is metioned. QAnon. So 75 tweets a day to 35000 tweets a day a week later, tied back to mostly accounts supporting QAnon.

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Old news mate.

New York Times and CNN were talking about Dominion in 2017 - funny that isn’t it?

Meanwhile Georgia judge asks for voter machines to be impounded - after initial decision and then reversing.

And does a CEO statement count as evidence?

Witnesses sworn testimony are on penality of up to 5 years in prison


You said the leading players disappeared. The CEO is a leading player. He’s around, not disappeared. That’s all.


Well they never testified in front of congress when they were meant to.

Also there offices in Toronto have been abandoned.

We could do this dance back and forth - you obviously don’t believe what I’m saying is true.

Which I why I said a few posts back it might be seen to some like I’m wearing a tin foil hat - however I assure you I do not follow Q Anon.

At the end of the day what will happen will happen - but should events happen to not turn out the way you think please don’t just say Trump is being a baby and staging a coup - that will be the media narrative - but the footprints of voter fraud are all the place.


Very true. The problem is that there are those that will never be convinced one way or another.




I’ll just add this tweet from DJT

This is the President referencing a quote from OANN about Dominion deleting votes and switching votes to Biden.

He’s spreading the statement, which we’ll find out if it has any legs.

I’m convinced it’s not true. Where is the evidence that there is fraud? Other than claims that officials went rogue and… algorithms.