Political Opinion


Are you serious ? You think the evidence put forward is a few tweets from Q Anon?

Really? witnesseses include ex military and data scientists.

Did you not see the voting spikes? Tens of thousands processed in an hour with 600,000 for Biden and 3000 for Trump - that was in Pennsylvania and statistically almost impossible

Meanwhile the machines can only process 3000 in an hour - according to Dominion themselves

What about the 1.8 million ballots sent out in one county and 2.4 came back?

The inconsistencies are a mile long.

As a trader donā€™t you think itā€™s better to do true research that just accept whats handed to you?

I know I do.

Anyway I donā€™t think this to and fro can be solved by either of us disagreeing - we will see what happens and if Iā€™m wrong that ok - Iā€™ll be first to admit it


Itā€™s ok to be white


Agree. But you when you look at the amount of false allegations presented by the democrats and other members of the left in a pure witch hunt of Donald Trump over the four years of his presidency why wouldnā€™t you expect fraud at the election. The Dems have a track record of corruption.




So what if there are 10 counties with even a single machine, thatā€™s 10 * 3000, so now weā€™re up to 30000 votes an hour. Are you saying thereā€™s just a handful of machines tabulating?

How about multiple counties all dumping vote totals simultaneously? Could that be the cause of the large processing numbers?

Georgia bought 30,000 machines last year. Do the math.

There are so many more reasonable explanations of large vote total dumps.

As for your 1.8 million votes claim, who other than Guliani is saying it? Seriously, Iā€™m searching each one of your claims and what comes up? Websites I wouldnā€™t consider reputable by even the lowest standards of reporting news rather than opinion. At least not for facts about fraud claims about an election.

But like you said, something will come out of this. It will be up to us individually to believe it or not. I can leave it at that.


I suggest you watch the hearings - both available via youtube - then we can at least talk about the same data.

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Donā€™t forget - these witnesses face years in prison if theyā€™ve lied.

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man , they are already supposed to be in jail since years now due to proof of pedophilia, corruption all around , etc


Donā€™t know about all that - but I did watch both the open hearings from the witnesses - Iā€™m a trader so deal in facts not opinion

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you are right.

its stressing


I say I deal in facts - but itā€™s really I am trying to get as close to the facts as possible.

Just maybe these witness testimony will not stand cross examination - we will see.

I am more than happy to be wrong - but so far, from what I see they appear legit

None of this stuff Iā€™m watching is from Alex Jones, Q Anon, Trump tweets or even Zerohedge

These are from witnesses in pending lawsuits.

So for anyone to blankly dismiss this as the writings of some Proud Boy, gun toting, racist misogynist, christian fanatical redneck deplorable is a tad lazy.

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with more than 200 proofs of vote falsification it will surely have some that are true. the more important to know now if that was enough to rig the election and if democrats representants are involved in it.

this is pretty bothering for traders because during this we are in a kind of pending market where movement arent clear , because of the confrontation of programm between both Rep and Dem. Adding that to coronavirus crisis which add a lot more pressure unto market participants , its now becoming more and more complicated to take his bread from trading daily/weekly(IMO)

Its ok to have his own opinion , now people just accuse with controversial terms like : racist, mysoginist , homophobic ----- without having a deep understanding of what is happening + consequences and just following the mass + media
these people are against liberty of opinion/expression and represent a threat to our respective countries (all occident)

personnally i approach more to have the same opinion as a " christian fanatical redneck deplorable" than an ignorant cosmopolitan/multiculturalist pro-lgbt pro-feminist :rofl:


That is something that is rare today. Most people just watch the news of their choice and then debate a topic only with half the information. That goes for both the left and the right.

It is rare to find those who look at what is being said by all news outlets and political commentators and then uses some level of critical thinking to then ask themselves, ā€œWhat Makes Sense?ā€ ā€œWhat Logically Sounds Truthfull?ā€

As Dr Phil always says, ā€œEven a pancake has two sides.ā€ :joy:



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And to think we had more than one disagreement in the early days. Lol

I just like to keep an open mind, Iā€™ve always enjoyed taking the other side when the odds arenā€™t good - started at a young age.

In all seriousness though whoever wins this - there are going to be some very angry people - not good


I would like to think that yes we had a few disagreements but I hope you understand that I always had respect for your opinion.

I think things are only just getting started with US Politics. I see that the BLM protestors are going to riot over some of Bidens picks in the Senate.

:rofl: :rofl: Grab a beers and a bag of chips and let the games begin.




Arizona has officially named Joe Biden the winner of its 2020 presidential election race in a fresh blow to President Trump. The Grand Canyon Stateā€™s secretary of state Kathy Hobbs confirmed the result on Monday, and awarded Biden her stateā€™s 11 electoral college points.
Hobbs also took aim at President Trumpā€™s repeated claims his loss was the result of electoral rigging, saying: ā€˜This election was conducted with transparency, accuracy and fairness in accordance with Arizonaā€™s laws and election procedures ā€“ despite numerous unfounded claims to the contrary.ā€™


You are correct - the governor certified the vote at the very same time the hearings were giving evidence.

However that decision can be overturned

Im sure that should voter fraud actually be proven you would welcome any decision the Scotus makes?

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The overtone of your post gives the impression you are rather please with the Biden result.

Are you?? And if so how do you think markets will react in 2021??


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Hmmmā€¦ you were in the proof business so maybe some proof - a conviction or two in court, then again if itā€™s a ā€˜track recordā€™ that suggests there is a line of convictions.

Just wondering since Iā€™ve no particular opinion one way or the other tbh - but itā€™s nice to see accusations to be backed up regardless of their nature.


I beieve that you only need look at the president elect, Joe Biden. I would like to know exactly the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop that seems to have disappeared since the election. Bidenā€™s and his sons dealing with the Chinese government that will never be investigated

Also the dems accusations of quid pro quo in the failed impeachment fiasco where Biden acutually admitted he had done the same thing Trump was accused of with the sacking of Ukraunian special prosecution investigating his son.

The Steel dossier into Russian collusion the corrupt and illegal FISA warrants used to spy on Carter Page. The illegal phone taps on the Trump Family. The testimony of Christine Blasey Ford at the Brett Kavenaugh hearing was so obviously fraudulent that it could not even meet the basic principle of Prima Facie case in a normal court of law.

There are more incidents but I think you get the picture.



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It is also how establishment Democrats keep progressives from winning seats, listen to Jimmy Dore interview of Tim Canova and the voter fraud that took place in his run against debbie wasserman schultz, This goes on all the time, it is how democrats maintain life long control of seats.