Political Opinion

Yeah I thought that was the make up of the evidence that confirms corruption - I suspect the judge would dismiss even without hearing the defence :slight_smile:

wait, are you not the one who thinks the government will fix everything, you need to listen to more George Carlin

Glad you endured that read, your summary alone is enough to ruin someoneā€™s day

Then why do you now think the government is the answer, you seem to go from one extreme to the other

and the center of these false allegations is russiagate, yet you will never hear about russiagate from our Glass Half Empty friends now that it has been proven false

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Carey Wedler beautifully summarizes the American election process, watch this and end this useless conversation about the election, Biden will continue 90% of Trumpā€™s policies, the bombs will continue to fall on poor nations with no means of defending them selves and at home 80% of Americans will become poorer as the top 1% sees their wealth double or triple and the media will make every effort to further divide us


and you think trump is the answer / government ? so if government is not the answer and the problem is the people and i donā€™t see the people changing so where done as a country?

LOL, now you sound like my brother, I have never said Trump is the answer so please donā€™t make false claims about what you think I think, If you want to know what I think watch the Carey Wedler video I just posted, that will sum it up

Maybe something we can both agree on - I actually think the government should be run on AI

I mean we have internet of things, driver less cars, alexia, why the hell not have AI running the show?

Letā€™s face it - the vast majority of politicians are nothing more than pond scum anyway (there are exceptions)

Of course you would have to have both a Republican programmer and a democrat programmer doing the algorthms.

But frankly Iā€™m totally ā€¦ed off at all these idiots who think they know better than the people - regardless of political affiliation

Of course it would never happen - because feeding at the trough is all career politicians do - they would never allow it


Wow! trading one dystopia for another

The real answer is not of this world, but the teachings of a man from 2000 years ago who also took on the establishment and was hated and eventually killed, we actually celebrate his birth this month

Faith, Love , Hope and Forgiveness is out path out of this mess


Yes maybe you gotta a point there - society (western) has become far too decadent.

Changes began in the 60ā€™s but I think breaking all links with Gold set in the real rot. When money printing and inflation are present moral decline is also there

Im a religious person deep down - but know few others who are - I mask it well.

I cannot see the politicians suddenly getting a deep respect for the service of their constituents Iā€™m afraid

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lmao have you seen some of the post you posted about me with all your false claims about what you think i think or how i think to flat out calling me name. once again you can give it but canā€™t take it, all good tho i call that out a long time ago, keep doing you :+1:

I would say breaking all links to God , it was about the same time we went off the gold standard that we also removed God from our schools , no more prayer, you canā€™t display the Ten Commandments, and kids go through school thinking Abraham Lincoln was first to say, A House Divided Cannot Stand

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i agree, the breaking down america standards begin a long time ago, they even replace the word christ in christmas with XMAS



Totally agree.

The slow decline of the christian church has been going on for a long time - all organised religion has itā€™s faults - but it has more benefits me thinks.

While moral decline and christianity in the west has been going on for a while now, where I live in Thailand Iā€™m glad to say there is still a modicum of awe for the spiritual.

Itā€™s very refreshing. And something sadly lacking in UK and US I think


america was bought and sold that day on Jekyll Island, and iā€™m leave that right there


was there any name calling in the posted you quoted, I am willing to forgive and forget the past, are you

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Tbh - I think theyā€™d LOVE it ! (Provided they could Pretend they were still relevant)

We got Very close to that state of abrogating responsibility with the EU debacle - and look how hard they fought to retain that !

Even now - they seem to be trying to ā€œSoftenā€ their obedience to the Will of the People. :roll_eyes:


Lol - and the glass is half full - wouldnā€™t like to know whatā€™s going to happen when the rest of the beer gets drunk :slight_smile:

done and over with :+1:

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Wow I actually agree with you on that!!!


iā€™m gonna say this and ima leave it at that, it benefits a few group people that america stay divided then to be united, fighting with each other take the focus off of whatā€™s really going on in america


Here they have again closed our churches except for private prayer - thankfully we have on-line at least

We cannot attend a service even though the cathedral is cordoned so that everyone is seated apart, all doors are kept open, one system inside, stewards at the entrance to squirt hand cleaner onto outstetched hands of everyone entering - and of course all wearing masks.

However we are free to visit all the shopping centres, large stores and of course the off licence (US=liquor store)

Thatā€™s decision making from politicians who are Christian !!!