Political Opinion

done and over

"Warm showers and scented candles" -

Again :slightly_smiling_face:


donā€™t forget i am a BOT :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: sorry i had to. :open_mouth: :love_you_gesture:

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I donā€™t think your a bot - the Jeckyll Island reference did it for me.

Although I do think your politics is a little off the wall!!



If you lived in the US you would know it to be true, did you bother to watch the last Carey Wedler video I posted.

We have been finding common ground with SmallPaul, I guess you will be our next outreach


your early posting sure sounded like one, but that is in the past lets move forward

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who are you and what have you done with SmallPaul, just kidding, if that is how your really feel than welcome to the Rebel Alliance as we take on the Empire


this has been the narative for decades upon decades. or u think people actually voted for comunism, nazism fashism etcā€¦ stage fights, lie ur arse to get ur way, human natureā€¦and once ur in power u master the puppets day by day, people are complacent, untill they reach the bone there s a long way to go.
and even then it s tough if a regime is established well. china still communist, russia as well, to name a few that are fighting at the top. i think america might become the new CopaCabana if people aren t careful lolā€¦it s all a fight for power and it has been so for centuriesā€¦
but they still didn t do as good a job as the Church did in manipulating the massesā€¦i m not an atheist, but i don t believe in the man pretending to do Gods workā€¦nevermind, it s an endless story that won t end soon imho, that is ofcourse we don t have another ice age. :rofl:


this manipulating of the masses by the church ended with the printing press and people could actually read for them selves what God said. Now we see a new manipulation coming from Government through the media. But the truth still remains in the pages of the Bible for those who choose to read it

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people are still manipulated if u are beeing honest Dennis, less. sure! but still there s the Fear of God placed in many by the church, and i don t mean that in a good way. if u read the statistics, the majority hasn t past by hischool, what do u expect? all this ofc represents only my opinion, not to say i m right lolā€¦but just how i see things.
and ofc, behind all these news stations are the moguls that run them, invest and so on, and they 2 have theyr bias about who should run whome, who should be in charge and so onā€¦and at the moment it looks like trump is under the busā€¦will it stay that way? who knows!!! can the people actually do something about this when even the elections are questioned? hard to sayā€¦

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is America actually a republic? from my poor understanding the president in a republic is just an honorable tittle, the decisions are run by the senate, which should be elected by the people for the people. to me atleast doesn t look so from my perspective.
could be on paperā€¦

The establishments greatest weapon against us is keeping us divided, the peoples greatest weakness is giving the establishment this weapon. It is like Superman giving Kryptonite to Lex Luther

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Divide and Conquerā€¦i know the saying is old as time but stll

Is the United States a Republic or a Democracy?

mate, use ur own words, share ur wisdome lolā€¦every1 is able to do a google search
i asked for opinions not wikipedia

lol bro. ima leave comment alone, enjoy the thread :+1:


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no dude lol, post ur opinions etc, i have nothing against, what i mean is share ur beliefs, what do u thinkā€¦cos i know the true definition of a republic lolā€¦my asking was to hear peoples opinions about the way things are runned and if that fits into the category

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When the population is genetically divided into ā€œrā€ and ā€œKā€ forms - there is no chance for ā€œunityā€ since one set believes resources are infinite and the other believes they are limited !

The natural tendency of the rs to outbreed the Ks until the resources run out - cannot be countered by any voluntary means. then the West WILL follow Greece and Rome into oblivion and for the same reasons. The process is already highly advanced and probably completely inevitable.

Time now for each of us to accept the inevitable and make the most logical and pragmatic choices to give our own selves, families and genes the most likely chance of survival - on the ā€œGlass half fullā€ side - there should be some great chances to win a lot of resources (money) by correctly forecasting the rising / falling Industries, power sources, land usage etc. Anyone fancy a new thread to discuss these opportunities ?

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R and K stand for comun and republic? sorry for my question, i m a slow learner :grinning: