Political Opinion

No “r” = “reproducers” it is the same “r” they atlk about with Covid as teh “rate of reproduction” or r Number.
K is a mathematical concept I believe - and seems to mean a tendency towards stability.

I’ll see if I can find the vid I posted a while back

so pretty much america is done and we should find our own niche and live a happy life

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It’s already started mate - the young bright lads of all ethnicities are beginning to go MGTOW and look up Red Pill stuff - self reliance, Independence, and some are even foregoing interaction with women altogether ! (Bit OTT in my opinion :wink: )

[PS - It’s not only in America ! ]

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also does that mean debating a endless topic like politics is a waste of time because it does nothing to change or stop where america is heading but only stirs up anger and :rage:

imho, i think people tend to sdramatise things and overreact. there s a long way to go. in 4 years Biden will be the new Trump and another struggle for power will begin for all i know. but the tendency for conspiracy theories will always be there, after all we re only humans.


We had to give it a try mate - Trump (Devotee of Ayn Rand) was pretty much our last hope of pushing it back a few years and it seemed teh K’s were winning for a while.

But hey - ok I’ll sign on for welfare for a while - If you can’t beat 'em :wink:

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what was the K’s winning, like serious

EDIT: was they stopping america from heading down this current path a path that’s been going on for 50+ years, also what have our government done to secure america future, china is building roads across continents to secure future markets for their products, and where here debating the R’s And the K’s :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

MGTOW, red pill and foregoing interaction with women? wth is that lol…guess i ain t aquainted with the abreviations

Like I said ;

i ll have 2 look up to see what @Falstaff is going on about, are these vids posted in this thread? quite a read from the beggining :smile:

what where learning is that americans doesn’t care about america but only america that they wanna see that benefit their personal agenda

You show me someone who doesn’t care about - personal agenda - I’ll show you a Liar ! :rofl:

AI is written by humans. And with that you end up in the same place as we are now. Maybe a bit less emotion and drama, but you’ll still experience the biases of the programmer, or their PM, or the PMs boss, and up the ladder.

a personal agenda should benefit country that all sides can agree- that’s the political side, for the everyday citizen well they never had america best interest at heart when it comes to all americans :roll_eyes:

Don’t you tell ME what I must think !

Personal = Personal !

You wanna Die for your country ?

What good does that do ?


lol think how you please it’s a free country :thinking:

IS IT ? - Says Who ?

That’s an r strategy

like I said

They can call themselves Christian but if they are not following the teachings of Jesus than they are are not

Where is all this taking place

But if we are already living inside an AI simulation then the programmers are already in control and with what we have experienced in 2020 is it totally out of the realm of possibility