Political Opinion

I think he actually understood - and saw himself as a rescuing hero in the vain of Ayn Rand/s Atlas Shrugged

However I think Douglas Murray is right - HE has given US and example and now it is up to US - in our own Countries to call out the stupidity and become the Adults in the room. Time to tell the little creeps -

No ! WE will not accept your stupid ID Politics - Sod Off !


Jews have the right to posess their own land

despite what thinks arabs

Americans are not nearly as gun crazy as the media would have you believe, very few own what the media calls an assault rifle, the issue used to be with handguns but assault rifle gets more clicks for the media. The NRA that the Democrats love to blame for all gun violence has a membership of less than 1/10th of one percent of the population


sound like you boys have a stressful life, do you guys enjoy life or just waiting for the bad things to happen, serious. :pray: you guys find happiness some day :rofl:


on a serious note i hope everybody can find happiness, life is to short to be miserable your entire life at some point you have to be happy or the stress will demise you. :v:


Interesting to note that we all are talking facts and opinions - except ONE - whose every post contains little of interest and is an appeal to emotion in one form or another.

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doesn’t take away the FACT that you are powerless to do or change anything so that leads you back to my original point, MISERY :pray:

you are always powerfull when you have balls. you can do what ever you want with strenght , determination , smartness and faith
there is no limit to your personal power when you have that except the destiny

“Impossible isn’t french” ---- Napoleon

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of course you have the Personal Power to make your life better and more happier, :smiley:

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Lol - you guys threw all the tea overboard in Boston - that’s why y’all hooked on coffee :slight_smile:


Oh - It changes a great deal - when one sees that your post is a loose bundle of words - giving an impression of meaning - but solely intended as a carrier for your emotional attack .

Appeal to Emotion !

As is this one !

Appeal to Emotion only !

of course you feel that way, that;'s how weak minded people think

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Appeal to Emotion only !

yeah i know your getting ready to change america for the better, the public forum is the perfect place for you, good luck and i wish you the best

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Appeal to Emotion

Liar - and still Appeal to emotion !

should i cry and complain like you or what should i do please tell me, :rofl: :rofl: :kissing:

since america is the vassal of our vassal : impossible isn’t american

take that smallpaul

guys go to take a cup of wine, its funny to see you like this but it isnt fructifying.

enjoy the thread my boy :ok_hand: