Political Opinion

Hi @Dennis3450 you forgot to answer this bit

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You sound like a very nice person however I find it very hard to believe that you do not at least acknowledge that there is a right and a left of politics ranging from far right to far left. To ignore this fact is to ignore reality. So the question is when you go to vote do you write Democrat or do you write Republican or do you just not vote??

Remember you cannot complain about poor living standards if the government of the day is running the country poorly if you did not vote.

The idea that someone is either right or left is not the issue. The issue in todays society and indeed what is being discussed here is that the radical left are trying to force a way of life onto today’s society that is completely different to what has been happening in years gone past. This is not a reflection of those of us on the right. But when the rioters in the street of ANTIFA and BLM attempt to intimidate every day citizens into following their doctrine of belief that is not right. It is not respectful. It is not decent. It is bullying and intimidation and the acts of thugs and surely even you cannot deny that fact.

This comment is exactly what the radical left want. They want you to change to their way of thinking. They want us to “SHUT UP AND OBEY”.

Love is not changing to suit their ideals. Love is respect and co-operation. Love is understanding we can have different opinions and still get along. No one has the right to expect you or I to change.
ANTIFA and BLM don’t believe that theory. They believe they are right and their ways must be adopted by everyone OR ELSE WE WILL DESTROY YOU.



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Of course there is such a phenomenon, I just dislike labels attached to people - little children are such a great example when they don’t see an us and them, they just see another child.

Edit: btw I succumb just as much - have to keep working on it all the time.

So what do you prefer to call the left and the right when talking about them??



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Hi Markaria You forgot to change your avatar

How about the crime of False Witness or Slander of which there have been endless cases directed at Trump, should everyone involved with fabricating russiagate face jail. There are to many crimes to mention going on in Washington and all you want is to pose hypothetical crime. Show me a real crime with evidence and you will have my answer

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People come in various shapes and forms to simple say “people” in a political conversation is to be non discriptive and how can you have a debate about anything if you are completely non discri[ptive.

The very nature of conversation is the use of nouns adjectives and verbs. Without these words that describe the conversation becomes nonsensical, with out meaning and completely fruitless.

Have you read any of the books by Douglas Murray or Jordon Petersen?? If you don’t like reading there is a ton of youtube videos to watch.

The point is if you won’t stand up for what you believe then expect to be the door mat of society.




I’ve been accused of reading too much - mind you seldom do I read other people’s opinions, kinda silly (imo of course) to pay to hear someone else’s.

To say ‘people’ in a political context is the very origin of the Greek word from whence the word ‘politics’ is derived.

Now as to being a doormat - do you not know that a doormat can be of great use in keeping a house clean :slight_smile:

Not more to say about this other than you get what you vote for

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It was never about politics…right…
Her original bill had a stimulus check for everyone…INCLUDING ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Bet that’s not in this bill?

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I would very much like to know what you have read but I doubt that I would get an answer because you have not really given an opiinon or a straight answer on anything that I have said to date. That is why I am not going to continue this thread.

However whilst you seem to want to come across as someone who holds no opinion on any topic I can tell by the language you use exactly where you stand on the political spectrum.

Jordon Petersen once said, “Listening to even the most uneducated illiterate person can be beneficial as they just might tell you something that you did not know.” In other words to close off your mind and to not accept or listen to the opinions of others is to deny yourself the ability to grow, mature and gain wisdom within your life. As is not reading widely the opinions of others irrespective of whether you agree with them or not, is to deny yourself the gift of learning.

Books are knowledge and knowledge is a powerful asset in life.

I am more than happy and confident in my own persona to freely LABEL myself as a white heterosexual woman who is a devout Catholic and support the right or conservative view of politics. What’s more I am confident in my ability to debate that view point with anyone. And whilst I won’t claim to be right everytime my opinion is just that, my opinion and I have a right to that opinion as do you.

This is not to say that you have to be like me or like anyone else for that matter. And what I am saying to you here may not even apply to you. However it is up to you to decide how and what you do with your life.

Enjoy the journey.




Where are you located, BD?





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Lovely. Not too political there…:wink:
You got all the crap going on there that we have here in the States, correct?

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Oh, and Daniel IS my favourite driver.

and some wonder why we suspect lots of Illegals voted last month

Let’s hope we never make their mistake and give up our right to keep and bear arms

Also, she figures with a free Citizenship card coming their way she does not need to pay them off with a stimulus check too

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I dont think too many here would be familiar with Dianne Abbot - but she is a great example of left wing politics in the modern age.

The UKs very own version of AOC or Ilan Omar.

She certainly brightens up any Question time panel with her maths skill and knowledge of her own party’s manifesto promises


Great when she turned up in odd shoes,
Not only odd shoes but on the wrong feet ! :joy:


What a hoot when she was on Andrew Neil’s ‘Late night political show’ with Michael Portillo !


Joe Biden continues to build a cabinet of the worst possible swamp monsters

Maybe in honor of Mark(I won’t tell you what country I am from) aria I should find a swamp monster and put Biden’s head on it and use it as my new Avatar, But that would make me no better than Markaria