Political Opinion

As Joe Biden repopulates the swamp his true form begins to be revealed

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Not quiet as bad but still not good. The universities and schools are full of marxist and we still have the Greens who want to send us back to the days of the caveman in order to save the planet.




I am.

What a precious little petal.

:rofl: :stuck_out_tongue:




A month after the election 55 uncounted ballots are just found in a race where the Republican leads by just 12 votes, This happens all the time throughout America, any time there is a close race Democrats always seem to find a box of uncounted ballots

Is this fraud or incompetence whichever you can not trust the election results in close races

I added the link to the full story, this shows this crap is going on in all races not just the president

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@Blackduck, at least you’re in NSW… You have a Liberal Premier… In Victoria we have the Clown Prince incarnate… Chairman Daniel Andrews… Ballsed up Hotel Quarantine killing over 800 citizens, destroyed Melbourne’s economy with one of the longest most restrictive lockdowns outside of Wuhan… and…

Has sold Victoria’s future down the drain to the Chinese via the Belt and Road Initiative…Billions of Dollars of debt owed to a an aggressive rogue communist state…

It’s not going to end well…

And for those playing along at home… a political direction was not sited in this post!!

As for the Greens!!.. “Do Australia a favour… Doze in the Greenies… and fertilize the bush…”


That video was brilliant. A great insite into personal development.




Yes he is as close as we have got to being a dictator. However the unfortunate situation with Victoria is that there are a lot of progressives who are happy to be dictated to.

As for the Greens most of the raging loonies of the Greens come from inner city of Melbourne.



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St Therese of Liseiux perhaps the most inspiring of all the books I’ve read.

St Teresa of Avila perhaps the most difficult to understand (except for her devotion to St Joseph which I am happy to share).

The dark night of the soul is one worth a read but needs to be experienced.

Little Bernadette of Lourdes will cause some tears - especially near the end.

In between those there are quite a collection - Bishop Sheen on suffering is worth a read - Anthony de Mello got into trouble with some of his many books with the then Cardinal Ratinenzger but don’t let that put you off because he too mellowed a little later.

Then there is Pope Francis’s words - again thought provoking and inspiring especially re wisdom.

And so on it goes - there is one central tenet in my choice of reading - if the author is writing purely for his/her own profit then I will only read it if I need to learn a particular subject - such as HTML code etc - I will not read it simply to learn their opinion on a subject.

There is another tenet - a book on the Spirit must be from experience and not mere opinion - just like the Gospels are - a summary that I’ve read of Jung’s work is very rich on the latter and seems scarce on the first (imo of course).

Take care.

Edit: btw i too am a practicing Catholic - it was many years before I learned what the adjective ‘catholic’ means in the English language - including a wide variety of things; all-embracing.

That channel puts out a lot of deep thought material, worth subscribing to

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Another great YouTube channel is Economics Explained, they are produced in Australia, do any of our many Australians forum members also watch this channel

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To all those never Trumpers out there who say there is zero evidence of voter fraud, does actual video footage of voter fraud count as proof or is it just more lying from the Trump team?

It’s beyond a shadow of a doubt now there was MASSIVE voter fraud, but probably one of the biggest frauds is the blatant media cover up.

Frankly anyone who is posting URLs from Yahoo or CNN stating there is zero fraud is having a laugh

When will you Trump haters admit there is a strong possibility the election results were indeed fraudulent?


Carter Page sues the government our top lawyer Viva Frei is on the cases, this is a long video, but for anyone interested in the fraud and illegal actions by the FBI against members of the Trump Administration this video gives you a lot of ammo when dealing with the handful that still think the Russians conspired with Trump in 2016, I think a few of them might even be on this forum

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■■■■■■■ ■■■■ , that ■■■■■■■ market of my ■■■■■ still pumping since 2 ■■■■■■■ years while reality is worst and worst. market still breaking ATH while 85% of shops are closed worldwide, there was 5 points more of unemployement worldwide

■■■■ you and your ■■■■■■■ team powell, you son of a bitch. and ■■■■ the garbage pigeon who still buy iphone at his released date (at 1400euros)just to have 3mp more on their camera…

■■■■■■■ ■■■■

here it is , just bought the top of nasdaq

thats disgusting as ■■■■ to give money to give money to GAFAM while all others shops are starving but what do you want , I need to eat man

I spit on Powell and his infinite quantitave easing politic

To be fair I now ask the Question, What does the Republican Party stand for.

As a former Republican ( now Independent) I can tell you not much

Republican law makers do a pretty good job defending the Constitution and seeing that only Constitutionalist judges are appointed, but that is about it,

If anyone can think of something the Republican Party stands for I am all ears , and I am talking about the Party and not the People who vote for them

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I think the abortion issue can be drawn pretty well amongst party lines?

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Link please.

republican are the voice for the one who dont have voice , especially trump

for sure there is some bandit in there, but like i told you. they reprensent the silent majority who suffer from this situation of degenerate sexual habits, degenerate ethnic problems, no more education ,etc

the silent majority(white christian straight hetero cisgender) is oppressed by degenerated minority : criminals(BLM and antifa), commises, feminazi, lgbt



Just follow what is coming out of Georgia - I am not doing your research for you

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I’ve looked. I’m not finding anything. Hence my request for what you’re reading/watching. I am finding a surveillance video and mention of a “suitcase”. Is that what you’re talking about?