Political Opinion

Good chance that it is - Fox News 14 mins ago:

Georgia recertified its election results on Friday as Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office debunked a recently surfaced video that appeared to show illegal ballot-counting without supervisors

Brad Raffensperger is the Republican SoS for Georgia.

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Nope, never said I would so there’s nothing to forget.
Maybe, when Trumps gone, I’ll replace it (how about a nice, smiling President Biden?)
Talking of things people forgot, you’ve either forgotten or are avoiding a straight answer to this question
If Trump has committed crimes, where do you stand?
Its a hypothetical question. Any law-abiding citizen would say that he should face prosecution if he’s committed crimes, just as I’ve said Biden and others should.
Why are you avoiding giving a straight answer? Are you so besotted by Trump that you think he should be above the law, regardless of what crime he may/may not be charged with?

Beautiful country. The best place I’ve been to, and I will definitely be going back again.

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Do you mean this guy?

“The BBC?” the president-elect said before responding with a smile: “I’m Irish.”

‘I’m Irish’: Footage Of Joe Biden Making Sure A BBC Reporter Knows His Roots Goes Viral | HuffPost Canada (huffingtonpost.ca)

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And now here is a wee song just to calm this thread - I know it’s a little old and it doesn’t say much - but sometimes a smile is all we need :slight_smile:

Bing Crosby- When Irish Eyes are Smiling (1939) - YouTube

A straight answer for a guy who presents himself as a diaper wearing baby with a Trump head , put some big boy pants on an we will talk

Keep ducking and diving, avoiding giving an answer.
We all know exactly where you stand. When it comes to Trump you’ll turn a blind eye to any crime he may have committed.
So much for your credibility on law and order.

I remember when Hillary Clinton falsely accused Tulsi Gabbard of being a Russian asset, the crazy women on the View noted Tulsi never actually denied it and by note denying it that made her guilty, is that your position here
As I said before grow up and put some pants on

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I find it interesting how us on the right have conversations with each other, we try to have meaningful conversations with those we disagree with on the left. But oddly those on the left rarely talk to each other. I guess there would be no need if they are working out of the same troll farm

Anyone else find it odd


Yet again swerve the answer, chucking in an insult for good measure.
Looks like you’re reverting to type, no surprise.

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It is and I am blessed to live here. But My husband and I have been to Norway 3 times and that is one stunning country.



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Rather than taking the easy way out and linking to a clearly bias article (as most are) why not watch some of the Georgia hearings where the evidence was presented

The video which clearly shows ballot fraud ties in with the exact timing of voter spike data, and with witness testimony.

The suitcases only came out when all media and observers were told to leave the room - despite what Newsweek says this is not normal procedure

Counting stopped simultaneously across a number of states at exactly the same time and while video footage from other states isn’t currently available the same voting spikes occurred there too.

Newsweek articles are not evidence - the evidence is the evidence - view it make up your own mind

But I assure you this thing is about to get a whole lot worse - the people are very angry indeed because massive voter fraud did take place whether you choose to believe it or not.

Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Michigan and Pennsylvania have all heard witnesseses and despite objections from state governors decisions now are going to go over their heads.

To be honest I’m quite shocked you still do not believe it or have not heard of it - I’m in Thailand and I even i am seeing it


Trump-appointed Attorney General Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.

Heres a link


Is this supposed to impress? I mean really - it’s Associated Press

Get with the program, check out what actually going on in the hearings or the aftermath.

Frankly the stuff you guys are linking to is lame to say the least!

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You have a problem with them, suggest someone else and not your usual “dyor” get out of jail free card that you use rather than reveal your own ‘sources’.

Maybe you’d prefer a right-biased source from your homeland, The Sun sounds about your type

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Yes, major problems with Associated Press. And any of the mainstream media - you should take a listen to the Project veritas tapes of recent CNN phones tapes if you actually think there is any objective journalism left in the left wing media these days



As I said more than once now, watch the open hearings from Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Michigan or Georgia and then get back to me telling me I’m wrong or biased in my opinion

There is zero credibility in any syndicated AP news, CNN, MSNBC, need I go on.

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So, you don’t trust AP who are marginally left of centre and you don’t trust The Sun who are so far right they are almost off the chart? Even when they tell the same story? In fact, it sounds like you don’t believe any media source.
Yet you believe hearings that have been convened by the republican party are unbiased?


Nice one ! - I hadn’t looked at it that way :sunglasses:

I loved that film when I first saw it - super scary ! :slightly_smiling_face:r

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No, I am mocking you, and in your own words mocking someone for there ridiculous actions is not name calling, and anyone who presents themselves as a diaper warring baby is begging to be mocked. As I said before put some big boy pants on and we will talk

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