Political Opinion

Hi Carlos, as one of the more sane anti-Trumpers here, how would you judge this case I posted yesterday, As someone who lives in the US I can tell you boxes of uncounted ballots popping up days, weeks and in this case, a whole month after the election is very common here in close races,


I remember in my younger days ( 1970’s) it was CBS 60 Minutes that would go undercover with hidden mics and cameras to catch corruption . Now it is all about rating and advancing their own political agenda. Real investigative reporting has died in America Media, now only done by Youtubers

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Can you imagine if we had a “Woodward and Bernstein” today looking into election fraud?

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If they would even look into it, as their boss today would be Jeff Bezos

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We’ve sent quite a lot of people there over the years

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You’re a tryer mate - I have to give you that :slightly_smiling_face:

Who was it referred to

…"The triumph of hope over experience…"

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Was that a question to be answered, I believe the act that quote referred too would be immediately jumping into a new marriage after the previous one ended badly, I actually have some experience with that but the Third one does seem to be a winner :wink:

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Whilst there are some with a leftish bent who try to converse properly (Tim Poole and Bret weinstein perhaps)

I identified the issue a few days ago in a post about Tiny Pavlov and his operational method - which you “liked” and after a lengthy exchange you invited teh two of us to “Get a room” - I suggest you go back and study that exchange in a little detail - as I think it was getting close to the truth. - These ones are using exactly the same tactics ! :wink:

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Yes it was - wasn’t it ? Personally I stopped at 2 and agreed when I split with the second that we would stay married unless one of us Really wanted a divorce - so that if anyone tried to mug one of us into marriage again we would have a built in “reason” for not doing so.

Sadly I got a letter from he solicitor around 2005 saying that since we hadn’t lived together since 1983 - they took it as a sign of “Irretrievable Breakdown” - which was quite sad because I was looking forward to going out for a drink with a few mates on our “Silver wedding” :smiley:

Been with the current partner for 20 years now but we’ve stayed together Living “In SIN !” :blush:

Likewise from the UK, and many Australia and Sweden are seeing it and commenting about it too

Small world my 3rd and I will be hitting 20 years next year, I agreed to an Alaskan cruise for our 20th anniversary but with the cruise industry shut down, we may have to just go out to dinner, oh darn! :wink: :wink:

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Are you suggesting that the hearings are fake? That somehow the witnesses are paid off pro Trumpers?


Actually you wouldn’t be the first person to say that - but I think that just shows the irrationality of the anti Trump movement.

Have you actually watched any of them?

There were 11 hours of hearings in one state alone.

Witnesses have signed sworn affadavits - perjury can lead to a jail sentence of 5 years in prison - would these people really be giving evidence if it could lead to prison time unless they were genuine?

As for AP, and almost all the media, frankly what is happening is a disgrace - it’s nothing short of some type of media coup.

Yes that sounds very Alex Jones esq, and I really don’t like to say it for fear of being labelled a conspiracy theorist, but it is the case.

One of the only mainstream media outlets giving this story airtime is Sky News Australia - which is bizarre because Sky News UK won’t touch it

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Different ownerships mate - Sky .au is Real - Sky UK is just like all the others.


You are right. Sky UK is so left wing it is disgusting.




Here in the US I have watch RT or Al Jazeera to get the truth of what is happening in my own country, as All American media is just CIA/Corporate propaganda

You don’t like Sean or Tucker or Lara or Jessie??



Of the 4 Tucker is by far the best, but this is commentary , I am talking real news reporting

I do watch Sky News Australia,

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What was your Greatest Trump Moment, there were many but this might be it for me as Trump sticks his finger in the eye of the Military-Industrial Complex and meets with Kim Jong Un opening the door for better relations with the US and lessening the likelihood of war between the two Korea’s, Nobel Prizes have been given out for far less

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What did it achieve?

Agree Tucker will call it like he sees it.