Political Opinion

North Korea is still unpredictable - the President’s efforts achieved a short period of hope but seems they NK wanted even more and so NK-US relations have gone backward since that meet - well according to NK that is:

Excerpt from statement by NK Government June this year:

What stands out is that the hope for improved DPRK-U.S. relations - which was high in the air under the global spotlight two years ago - has now been shifted into despair characterized by spiraling deterioration and that even a slim ray of optimism for peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula has faded away into a dark nightmare.

The desire of the peoples of two countries to put a period to the world’s most antagonistic relations between the DPRK and the U.S. and to open a new cooperative era of peace and prosperity runs deep as ever. Yet the situation on the Korean peninsula is daily taking a turn for the worse.

At least it’s only words and not rockets - glass half full :slight_smile:

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Did I not just see you scolding people for their negativity, This what we mean by Trump Derangement Syndrome as the man can’t do anything without you and a few others finding a negative side. I almost put in my post for the TDS members if you can’t say something positive then say nothing at all but I left that out for what good it did

Some people are beyond reasoning with

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Wow - last time i scolded anyone was about 30 years ago - she wouldn’t eat her veg.

If you had bothered to read my post you would see that criticism is directed toward NK - I applaud Pres Trump’s effort to engage with NK which is as I said is a particularly unpredictable adversary - hardly his fault that they want something more.

This is the thing about seeing the glass half full - good not to imagine everyone else sees it half empty.

Anyways mostly this is a little tiresome

Would you like to give your negative comments about Jimmy Carter and his efforts to broker this deal that ended in the death of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat


Nope - did you not notice how I didn’t link to the press statement by NK?

Why didn’t I do you suppose?

Anyways - your line of commentary is not something I wish to engage with.

Take care.

If I over reacted I apologize but after CarlosRay’s 4 word response " What Did it Achieve" I was already writing my response when I read yours. There does not seem to be anything we all can agree on, that is sad

Reacting or over reacting is the sign of an alert mind and knowing the difference is the sign of wisdom.

NK is a serious threat to world peace and Pres Trump is correct to not only recognize this but to also engage.

I hope that Pres Elect Biden will continue with the engagement for the sake of those that follow us - input from any other Western countries will have little impact - NK only recognizes size - so let’s all hope.

We can agree that where there is hope there is life.


Peterma, that was a beautifully written and positive response, I stand with you on everything you said

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Please watch the first 3 minutes maybe just maybe we can all agree this is wrong


Saw that on the news. Don’t watch CNN or MSNBC. Sure it was on there too…:wink:
That poor lady.


Please re post this on - 'what we are not being told about corona’
Thanks good post

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Point taken. :grinning:

If you watch Sky Australia who is your favourite commentator??

Mine is Peta Credlin. She is brilliant and use to be adviser to Tony Abbott one of the greatest conservatives in the modern era. Very similar to John Howard. True conservatives.



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I don’t blame you. But from time to time I do because I like to know just what these idiots are saying.



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[quote=“Blackduck, post:7166, topic:42247”]
Mine is Peta Credlin. She is brilliant and use to be adviser to Tony Abbott one of the greatest conservatives in the modern era. Very similar to John Howard. True conservatives.

I am bad with names, but the fact I don’t know them off the top of my head means they are putting the emphasis on the story and not them selves

I try, I really do. But, within minutes, I’m yelling at the telly for the half truths and lies that I KNOW are false.


As the media keeps us arguing over a lost election the Authoritarians are taking control, this time it is France, do we have anyone from France that can give us some insight as to what is really going on there, I trust nothing the media tells us

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You think big Media does not conspire against the American people, this week MSNBC Rachel Maddow is a guest on CBS Stephen Colbet, And just like in the Hunger Games , people just eat this stuff up, Sad!!


Amen to that.

:clap: :joy: :beers:



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Arin’t these just the sweetest little peaches that the world has to offer??

:joy: :grinning: :stuck_out_tongue:



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they had delete the law immediatly after passing it (2 days after)while being in panic

but yes australia have it too (showed several cases of police violence towards citizen)

canada constructed some camps to isolate “people with covid” we dont know with or without consentment

and germany passed a law to enforce vaccination for public interest

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