Political Opinion

because there was really big and violent protest therefore they decided to cancel the law in urgence which was considered as liberticide (threat to liberty)

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cant actually tell you what is happening. but its happening

either the great replacement of french population by strangers(blacks and arabs), either a forced remigration either a racial war

macron dont have real support upon french people, his support is majoritarly from strangers. but i wont be making false pronostic (never underestimate the idiocy of some people in France)

what you can be sure is something really big is happening within the next months/years (a decade maximum), and it will change the world definitely
it wont be temporary like covid, it will be something whose impact is forever

people who watch these shows have no clue they are being brainwashed, I never knew how blessed my generation was to grow up with Johnny Carson

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That is just like here, the biggest supporter of the Democrat Party are illegal aliens that the democrats are now promising citizenship

Here in the US when Democrats pass unpopular laws, they just leave town until the protest stop

Have you heard of the Great Reset, if not I would encourage you to journey down the rabbit hole and know what these people are up to? Economics Explained has a great video on the subject

This is globalism on steroids

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This is a laughable statement. Appreciate the laughs this afternoon.

But remember, they’re not being let in, so try again.

Here’s a couple quotes, I know you all love them, from Fox News’ lawyers and the judge presiding over the McDougal V Fox News defamation lawsuit:

[In] the context of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” the Court finds that Mr. Carlson’s invocation of “extortion” against Ms. McDougal is nonactionable hyperbole, intended to frame the debate in the guest commentator segment that followed Mr. Carlson’s soliloquy. As Defendant notes, Mr. Carlson himself aims to “challenge political correctness and media bias.” This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.” … Given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ …

Fox News lawyers have claimed that Carlson is not “stating actual facts”. Simply put, he’s engaging in “non-literal commentary.”

There’s the problem for the left, right and center. Public commentary and opinion being passed off as journalism and “the truth.” People have too much going on in their lives to go out and get more than one side of the story.

So, for Fox News, including Hannity and Carlson and Ingram, who’ve owned the monthly viewers/ratings battle for several years now, there’s a reasonable amount of brainwashing going on too. Share the insults with Fox News. CNN and MSNBC aren’t the only game in town. More people watch Fox News than any other news program in the US. Throw in OANN and Newsmax.


HASAN: Given you yourself have been a journalist, Chris, for more than 30 years, do you feel embarrassed to be running nonsense like that on your network, and calling it “news”?

CHRIS RUDDY (CEO, NEWSMAX MEDIA): Well, I think it’s like all the networks, and networks you’ve been on, there’s a lot of opinion hosts, and they have all sorts of things that I don’t subscribe to. I do believe in free discourse, I believe in people having their opinion. We’re not saying that that is accurate. In fact, we’ve gone out of our way in our news reporting to say we have — we have no evidence —

HASAN: You’re not saying your own shows are accurate?

RUDDY: We have gone out of our way to say we have no evidence that the Dominion software was manipulated in any way. We are reporting what people are saying, like the Trump campaign. We’re not necessarily embracing it. You know, you worked for MSNBC, as a sister network to Peacock. For two years, they pushed a theory, a conspiracy theory involving Russia — turned out to be a hoax — that the president collaborated with Russia. And that was done by both your news division and your opinion hosts. So, you know, I think the job of reporters —

do you ever have anything original or positive to contribute

Wait, you’re sharing articles now, that you didn’t write? Quoting headlines?

There’s too much hypocrisy in this thread and negativity around pushing all that by the wayside.

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you told a lie, and I called out your lie with proof , had I just said it you would have demanded proof so what is your problem and Why don’t you worry about your own country

If you are speaking of yourself then I fully agree, funny how there are lots of thoughtful conversations going on during the time you are not here with your negativity

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So you’re believing media now? The Washington Examiner. Good one. Sure, Biden’s policy speaks to immigrants. Just like Obama. What’s new?

Stating 11 million illegal immigrants are his biggest support group because they’re rather be legal and not get harassed every day so I pick this white guy, sure, whatever.

You’ve probably never been through the citizenship process. Immigrants don’t care who’s in office when it comes to getting citizenship. They’d be happy to just get it regardless of who’s in the White House, who controls Congress.

it is not the media it is out of Biden’s own month and in the Democrat Party Platform

Now why are you here, do you even trade, this is were traders come to shoot the bull in between trades, not sure way you are here, you offer nothing to the thread

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My Grandparents did, they came through Ellis Island ( as a non American you would not know what that is) They did it legally and were not bought by politicians with promises


So like I said, you haven’t. You’re definitely have a glass half empty kinda attitude about people you don’t know anything about. But that’s cool, keep doing what you’re doing.

I’d also guess that plenty of non Americans know what Ellis Island is. And plenty of immigrants walking the streets as legal citizens too. Maybe some CNN and MSNBC will do you some good, see what the other side is watching.

Why, I have you to do it for me, anyone who gets news from CNN and MSNBC their opinions are not worth a grain of salt, anyway, back to making money trading, say hi to diaper boy for me


You are missing one critical factor. What gives illegal immigrants the right to be in the USA let alone expect or even demand citizenship.

It’s happening throughout the western world where people just expect to be able to waltz into a country and live there.
