Political Opinion

Nancy Pelosi Christmas present to Americans is a lump of Coal , as she backs a plan half the size of what Trump offered before the election, She says no to another round of Stimulas checks and offers no direct relief to Americans. THIS IS WHAT YOU VOTED FOR AMERICA


I prefer to run away from the intensifying persecutions of my governements and leftists and illegal aliens

WE (the so-called “racist”) are the real refugees meanwhile our countries make entering millions of people who have not their place in our countries and arent real refugees


. NOooo! have you not heard of the “Green New Deal”! ?

Coal is now illegal ! :roll_eyes:

(At least until “The lights go out in New York”) :rofl:

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some will choose to stay, personally I prefer to go unto countries where you cannot being stabed and your daughters raped, thn the criminals will take 6 months of jail maximum and will do it again.
and thousands of others like this will enter in the country

Thats over. i prefer to run , rather than making something that will make me going to prison for life(because me,im white i cant defend myself. people can kill me and go to jail for 2 years but myself if i kill i’ll go for 20years of jail). because if i stay i will catch one of these piece of ■■■■ and i will erase him from hearth.
better to go in a normal country with normal people, rather than a psychiatric asylum at open sky called France

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It would perhaps be handy to have the slightest idea what you’re rabbitting on about ?

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Peterma, I came across this youtube channel and I thought of you, if this the way you see the world or am I totally miss understanding you


I thinking we will see the first Fusion Reactor before you get an answer to that question

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Coal is just like Fireworks here in the states, you can buy them, own them, but as soon as you put a match to them you are breaking the law


yes , have listened about the great reset since 2 months. from what i understood is mainly about a new global way to consume : green energy, renewable things, alternative meats(made by vegetable)

could be a great time to invest in that field after the crisis (specially in big pollution source : Usa and china)


I watched that video. Such a good message.



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It is ridiculous the arguement around burning fossil fuel and climate change and this argument is currently happening here in Australia as well. Most of the climate warriors stupidly ignore history and the fact that betwwen about 1850 through to the mid 1900’s coal powered everything and more coal was burnt through that period of time than at any other time in history.

Coal fueled the industrial revolution. Coal was used to heat homes, cook food, power industry and transport people and goods all around the world. Millions of stream trains and steam ships burnt tons and tons of coal every year. Hell even the Titanic was a coal fired ocean liner. Buildings in European and British cities were stained black as a result of burning coal.

And despite these facts people now want to blame a few coal fired power stations as the culprits for creating climate change.

The one question none of the climate change warriors will answer is just how much the climate is affected by human behaviour and how much the climate is affected by the natural evolution of the planet.

That is the question I would like answered. However I won’t hold my breath.




Bit like cannabis lol

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There is wisdom in the message that the author of the video presents - especially don’t try to change others (but always improve yourself).

On judgement - trying to win approval is useless since at the end of our life here people don’t get to judge us - we judge ourselves - we have the Word and it becomes our judge.

Jesus didn’t come to judge or to condemn - he came to challenge - he called me to repent…

To repent means to re-think and to re-think means to challenge my thoughts - remember thought belongs to Spirit and Spirit creates the physical.

Can I therefore change how others act or think? - not my job, that belongs to the Spirit.

Once there was a man who was resting in bed reading a book - it was late evening in the lead up to Christmas - it was dark outside.

Suddenly his attention was drawn to raised voices out on the street below - it sounded like massive argument. The man jumped out of bed and peered below - in the streetlight he could see 3 men who were clearly intoxicated. One was laid on the ground whilst the other 2 were stood over him, one had his fist raised about to strike.

The man watching was powerless to change the situation - there was only one thing he could do - ‘Spirit of the living God fall afresh on them’ he prayed in thought.

The reaction was instant - the aggressor lowered his fist then shouted loudly at the victim on the ground ‘don’t you move, we are going to walk away, don’t move’.

The 2 would-be assailants walked away, the man on the ground remained motionless, then slowly got up and left the opposite direction.

The man at the window was dumbstruck as this scene unfolded below him, then he thanked God - and he seemed to hear in thought ‘and I thank you because through your prayer I was able to act’


Is that right ? - I din’t know that - is it a backdoor attack on gun ownership do you think ? I know You’re allowed to make your own Blackpowder for muzzle loaders and basically fireworks are the same thing !

They also tell me that same principle applies to Stills in most of your states - You’re allowed to make wine - you’re allowed to own a still - but you’re not allowed to warm your wine up in your still ! - Wierd logic ! :slightly_smiling_face:

I know it is - quite a lot of my posts on the “Climate Hoax” thread are instigated by Aussi stuff.

They will NEVER answer ANY questions - it’s the same as the post I made yesterday in teh Corona thread - They will not ever engage in Adult conversations - They will only Lecture you in a Parent manner (FEAR) and plead for your sympathy in a Child way (GUILT) - Greta is a prime example of Both !

As for Facts ? you will Only get FACTS from the Skeptic side - until the perpetrator of said FACTS gets Cancelled !

But did you know that without humans burning Coal and Oil teh Planet would be doomed to extinction very soon (in geological terms) ?

Grab yourself a flask of coffee or a bottle of wine and settle down to watch the video I posted here.

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Yes, here they get around our Right to Bear Arms by passing laws against the Ammo

You can own a still for personal consumption, but not allow to sell what you produce, just the opposite of fireworks

The biggest difference between the two parties is respect for our Constitution. America has more lawyers than any other country and like 80% of them are Democrats, that is what we are up against


It would be interesting to see any data on emissions after almost a complete standstill of the airline industry this year.

To be honest the climate debate isn’t exactly my strong point, but it seems to me if this man made climate change stuff is true this year would provide some important data on that

Every time this subject comes up I think of 1995 when Senator John Kerry on the floor of the Senate proclaimed that because of Climate change by 2010 there would no longer be any snow fall in the lower 48 states, we have had record snow falls nearly every year since 2010

Then there is the UN with there ever changing year of no return for saving the planet


less cars on the road has helped the air quality in big cities, you can’t deny that. If they would just make there argument on air quality and reducing pollution they would have everyone on board, but this has nothing to do with climate or pollution it is just a money grab

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