Political Opinion

I’d say road vehicular emissions might have a bigger impact than aircraft. I know media images of an aircraft taking off with smoke behind have a visual impact but I suppose when you think about it the aircraft spends the vast majority of it’s time cruising at 30k ft.

Anyways the world bank did do some analysis on covid and air quality:

Air Pollution: Locked Down by COVID-19 but Not Arrested (worldbank.org)

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it is just a big money grab just like climate change, they make it sound so warm and fuzzy but they will become richer than they already are if they get these changes, All we can do is follow the money and pickup the crumbs

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Yes mate then there is the question as to why OBama bought an estate iin Florida - Inches above sea level ?

They’ve been Gerrymandering the figures for years now - and we’ve been quite relaxed because we know there is a period of cooling coming - perhaps even a mini Ice age and we were thinking "Well they’re not going to be able to explain that away…" I’ve been posting about that in Climate Hoax thread for several years now.

Then we see this from John

OF COURSE ! - Problem goes away - they just double down on how virtuous it has been to destroy transport - So of course we need to keep THAT going ! :roll_eyes:

  • Can’t have people enjoying themselves and moving about - "They’re wasting money _ Money we could be stealing off them by way of taxes!"

Who is John Galt ?

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Given the fact that there has been very little aircraft travel and not a lot of vehicle movement as people are forced to stay at home and still the climate goons say we still have to do more to reduce our carbon emissions in order to avert a climate catastrophe.

It is nothing more than a war on the fossil fuel industry and a way for organisations like the World bank the World Health Organisation and the World Climate Foundation to transfer monies from wealth countries to third world countries.




I think we’re assuming a lot here. But I would guess there’s a huge majority who would willingly go through the citizenship process if it wasn’t ridiculous expensive (time and money). And if it’s a matter of life and death, life if they break the law and maybe come across the border, or death if they stay in the country of their origin, I can absolutely see someone or an entire family take that risk.

And why would someone expect citizenship? The US is the land of immigrants. Why wouldn’t they expect citizenship, given the history of the country?

Why would they demand citizenship? Richest country in the world. Wouldn’t you if you couldn’t find work, were afraid for your wellbeing and your family’s wellbeing?

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because they are provocating a racial war. i will ask you a question. do you take the homeless in front of your building to your home? do you bring all the homeless of the city at your home?

my ancestors fought the misery , the several wars(including two world war), they fought against disease (spanish flu),etc
they wasnt running in front of the danger like cowards. they was staying and fighting to build the country.


The lesson here is to avoid and oppose any organization with the word “WORLD” in their name


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Perfect video for this thread, it is short and the first 3 minuntes is all you really need to watch,

you are missing the point, This is not about illegal immigrants it is about the Democrat Party using those illegal immigrants as pawns in their quest for power, If you were an American you would know this. And why do you care so much about a country you do not live in

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Maybe because he cares?

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The guy is a troll, he is just here to disagree with everyone

Dude I live here. 3 decades and counting. Where, in any of my posts, do you see I live elsewhere?

Falstaff isn’t from this country. You calling him out? He “cares” a bit. Jonscott. DucBourgogne. Not in the US, but they “care”.

So trolls are people you don’t agree with. Got it. Get out of here with your crap - need to be American to care.

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I see you agreeing with everybody like minded, nobody with another perspective. Again, hypocrisy.

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I think you and many others assume that this is the sole driving force for illegal immigration and nothing could be further from the truth. We are living in a period of time where the world is experiencing it’s greatest time of peace in history. Most are economic migrants looking for a better life.

The issue is that half the third world would love to live in the USA and anyone with common sense would know that it is impossible for the USA to accept all those immigrants.

This is nothing more than a straw man arguement. Many of those are now second third fourth generation citizens and as those born in the USA they SHOULD enjoy a certain statis that is afforded to a countries citizens by way of birth right.

The government has a right to ensure it does everything to provide a high standard of living for those citizens. Yes there has to be consideration for those less fortunate and some immigration on humanitarian grounds is the responsiblity of evey wealthy nation. But that does not include opening the floodgates taking millions of immigrants. That is ludicrous as a huge influx of migrants would crash the economic health and welfare systems to the point where nobody wins.

This is brilliantly explained in the book “The Strange Death of Europe” by Douglas Murray. Maybe you should expand your knowledge and read the book. Or better still just read good books. You just might learn a thing of two.

Watch this short video as it explains the problem of world poverty in a manner that I am sure even you can understand.




Safe Harbor day, and a day nearer getting the adults back in the White House

What a lot of people don’t know is that a lot of these world organisations were first started by the Fabian Society which is a left wing marxist society formed early in the 20th century with the aim of slowly turning the world into a socialist society.

Their coat of arms is a Wolf in Sheeps Clothing and that should tell you a lot. Famous Fabians have been Camron Brown Tony Blair the Clintons Barack Obarma Angla Merkel Kevin Rudd Julia Gillard. All prominent politicians.




What exactly did it achieve, apart from some great PR for a dictator?
If that is, in your view, his greatest moment it doesn’t say much for the rest of his presidency.

Sir in fact , USA is the vassal of france. Since then I have totally the right to express my openion of superior quality and importance than you about what my vassals are doing.

You have to be more obedient for the king you made allegence and the people who built all the present civilisation (france and french people)

But you , who are you? nobody among the parishioners has the acquointance of your substance. Is your intervention intend to provocate the hilarity upon the pleb?. You provocate a general ill-being in this place. Therefore you are urge to pack off and go out. Beatitude on you , despite of.

I am in the immediat obligation to remind you that we (the french) created your economical system(capitalism) , your laws (human rights) and even your language (english was created by the french). we created the concept of hospital , school and supermarket. we built the first computer , the first automobile, etc

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wont tell you about the fact that einstein is an usurpator who stole all the work from henry poincarré, neither than Adam smith took the theory of capitalism from the best Writters of the Century of Lights(france). even the christmas turkey tradition ,you took it from us

oops i just told you so

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Just like diaper boy your vague replies is reason for my question, The other forum members have all been very clear about their home country and they talk about how events in America are effecting their own country, I never here you talk about how events in America effect you personally so why should I not assume that you are not located in the US and your propose here is to troll