Political Opinion

DucBourgogne, if I have not said so before, let me welcome you to the forum, I look forward to a French perspective on the events unfolding both in your country and mine


LOL. You’ve asked that question a 100 times now and the crayon crew have just, alas, “shrugged” it off. :smile:


So you saying me and peterma are like-minded

Q, good to see you back, I am sure diaper boy welcomes you back too

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Jimmy Dore opens this video with the following “ Joe Biden is filling his cabinet with criminals, war mongers and enemies of the people “

Please watch the second clip, classic CNN

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Meanwhile Texas just filed a lawsuit against four of the swing states for voting irregularities - likely Lousiana and Alabama to join them.

I’ve just up my odds of Trump remaining in office to 75%

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Would love to hear your view on Brexit and in particular UK fishing rights? Lol


Honestly I understand brexiters but they didnt think too much before leaving EU, now they appear really weak in front of the others mastodonts : USA, Russia, China and EU
Yes thats a bet on the future of retaking the country, maybe leaving EU will be a good move in order to get rid of the cockroaches invading threat. impatient to see if they will honorified this decision of leaving by fighting the true cancer of our society.
I guess they have enough of some noname in the parliaments who impose their measures for all EU (and for this I understand, what they forgot is they have their own gov. the liability of the destruction of their country is not only EU but also their own gov)

For the UK fishing rights, dont know pretty much about it but if they have already a problem with something that produce 0.1% of their GDP, that sounds promising for what come next :rofl:

i’ll be glad to hear your opinion about it too


in the trading side we should expect that sterling will follow euro rise against dollar (like always) , and their stocks wont be too impacted by these decisions.

but in terms of foreign relations it will be complicated to keep on the track of european solidarity(quit or double)

some of the french approve the brexiters, some dont. but it will be a knife moving in the wound for anyone who really know history (about the multiple betray of UK during the wars, and all the conflictual period between France and UK)



Well all said and done Brexit was about sovereignty - we didn’t want to be ruled by Brussels - something we never voted for in the first place .

It was never about geopolitics (most Brits don’t even know what it even means!) and how powerful we are.

As for fishing rights - again this was never about economics but the very idea that French fishermen could come in our waters and take more fish (by a lot) then Brits were legally allowed to has made alot of people angry.

I think Charles De Gaulle was right - the UK should never have been allowed to join the EU

We have our own identity that in many ways is totally different than most Europeans.

We love Europe but hate being controlled by it.

The reason why the remain campaign lost was because they focused purely on economics not on what really matters.


totally true, european gov took too much place and therefore passed over our respective national sovereignty

I expect the people to rise again this totalitarian regime (and brit did it at their own maneer, they were the first , this is respectable)

Support for the british in their research of freedom.

congratulations for the chutzpah against the rats of European gov and all the lobbies impacting our national politics


You mean like Trump, and the Dems and GOP and how the president could have done more in the time of the pandemic for the US. That kind of homegrown stuff? Yea, okay.

Keep the insults coming. Weren’t you the one asking for peace?

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That’s great for them to survive such things. But not everybody’s situation is the same where they can stay and fight.

In case you missed todays Supreme Court decision.


I didn’t miss it but what YOU likely missed is this wasn’t team Trump - and didn’t have the mass of evidence they do.

There are a few cases right now going to SCOTUS, most notably the Lynn Woods case, and the Texas suit which is likely to be joined by up to ten other states.

For what it’s worth though I do admit to slight trepidation when it comes to any of the courts as I believe so many of them have been corrupted

Of course you don’t believe that which you are entitled to. One thing of note the only dates that matter are the 6th Jan & 20th Jan, this whole safe harbor stuff is not written in stone


Chuck Shummer, Nancy Pelosi, Cory Booker, Maxine Walters, AOC.

Yes the adults will be back in charge!!!

:joy: :joy: :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



thats not our problem.
we helped them through financial help, we helped them through educational help (colonisation), through building society help (french people constructed 70% of all the actual road and building in Algeria)

at this moment , they should do on their own. we are not responsible of them being unable to feed their children or unable to having a safe country. They asked us for independance now we dont have to help them. and their place isnt in occident but in their own countries.

what do they did with our buildings and roads? they destroyed it and dont renovate it.

what did they have done with the books and education we gived to them ? they dont used it

what did they have done with the occidental people we sent to them to help them? they murdered them, raped them, stole theirs stuffs etc

what did they have done with all the money we’ve sent to them? they only consume , they dont produce

thats it. we did what we must do. cant do more for them except sending them fighting their own ■■■■. if they die, thats selection natural. but they should not poluating and invading our countries with crimes, multiplying by cockroaches, living of welfare , stealing our jobs/appartment,etc


the worst is that now we’ve gift all of that to them, they say “muh colonisation bad, kill white man, they stole our things”. they was litteraly living in home made on ■■■■ of wildebeest and letting starve their children, making canibalism, murder/rape etc

now they want to bite the hand who fed them but they will be hit in the face.

At the time of my ancestors if they did only 1% of what they did in my country ,and only coming a 1% of what they are know. they HAD FINISHED IN THE GRAVE


now the time is coming where the patience will end, and they wont have time to regret what they’ve done because they wont be part of this world anymore

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Thanks for the welcome back but I’m not really back as yet. I laugh out loud every time Falstaff asks, “Who is John Galt?” and couldn’t resist commenting on it. :slight_smile:

I said I might be back once Trump is officially announced the winner and that will happen. A lot has been happening behind the scenes that the MSM refuses to cover. All they do is lie and misdirect. Over the next few days you should expect to see some incredible revelations.

Revelations are trickling in (sample below :point_down:) but soon we’ll have a tsunami. :smile:

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I’m actually a little peeved you disappeared - I’ve been trying to put forward a few of my thoughts on what is happening behind the scenes and your input would have been appreciated.

The crayon crew, 50 cent army, or useful idiots of the global elite on this thread are adamant there is no fraud.

I point it out to them where to look, but they seem stuck on the front page of Yahoo news, associated press, CNN or some other anti US propaganda unit.

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