Political Opinion

Funny how everything is a one sentence response or a cut and past news story, just like you get with Apples Siri, it makes me wonder :slight_smile:

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Let it go dennis we been down this road before and all you did was cry about how i was bullying you. enjoy the thread

did you watch this

It has been like that for 3,000 years nothing new, and here is one that dates back about 2,000 years. As proof you are not an A.I can you identify it


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I just found this:
" 5. Texas Is Not Seeking to Overturn the Election—Or Install Trump

These injuries, Texas asserts, demand a remedy. But the remedy sought is not what some may surmise is the goal—a second term for President Trump.

No, what Texas seeks is for the Supreme Court to mandate that the defendant states comply with the Constitution, and that means that electors are selected by the states’ legislatures. Texas makes this point clear, stressing: “Plaintiff State does not ask this Court to decide who won the election; they only ask that the Court enjoin the clear violations of the Electors Clause of the Constitution.”


I’ve got a bigger number for you - 50+. That’s how many election related lawsuits Trump team and GOP have lost related to the election. They’ve won one, I think in PA.

It won’t get that far. But it isn’t meant to. Those filing and signing along already know that.


True dat - but didn’t George Bush also lose all his lower court cases before winning at supreme court?

I am not suggesting at all I know what is going to happen but only a few weeks back you would haven’t even entertained the thought this all could have reached Scotus

Maybe it won’t and I’ll be the first to admit I’m wrong but hope springs eternal.


Well, we have gone full circle as Biden brings in Susan Rice. Team Swamp from the Obama years has now fully returned. This is the same team that so badly served the middle class that millions of Americans were willing to take a chance on a Reality TV show host. Jesus cannot come soon enough


The story that never goes away, If Biden is held to the same standard as Trump then Biden should be impeached and removed from office in the first month, and there are some who think that is the plan and to install Harris as a puppet president to the real person in charge Emperor Pelosi


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And the Swamp just keeps growing,


so what’s the point, you feel better now :laughing:


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That was a single state. Here you have Texas trying to tell other states how to run their own show. If this gets heard, or ruled on, what happens next? The Constitution specifically gives each state the right to run its own election. So you actively have a political party that screams about following the Constitution doing the exact opposite. Imagine if this wasn’t a Constitutional issue? Any state can sue another state for it’s election proceedings. So CA could sue TX. NY could sue AZ. The Supreme Court won’t let that happen, because if they did, it would be more insane than the standing lawsuit.

Also remember, while 17 AGs signed on, several Repub AGs haven’t, the DOJ hasn’t, and the guy that normally handles Supreme Court cases for TX hasn’t signed off either.

you plan on hanging somebody, i don’t think you’re man enough :face_with_monocle: keep talking in codes

don’t call on jesus now to save you istockphoto-816762330-612x612

Ahah , my ancestors at that precise time was a priest in Bretagne, the French Region. so he was the one at the other side of the guillotine (the executor) :joy:

was in the 17th century

at this time Priest was the most powerful status of the society. there power was above the “bourgeoisie” and above the royal families

because at that time , the people were really really believer in christianity

the priests and other member of the “ClergĂ©â€ was considered as the representant of God in this Earth

They got a lot of responsabilities because they have to guide the people to the path,the truth and the life.
They was also the responsable of the Justice in the land. they were the one who can condamn

All the royal families always asked them advices/guidance for what they do. and they even got more power than simple advice. For exemple if they decided to condamn a particular personn to the exil. this personn should leave the city without asking the opinion of the king

It was a sacrilege to make bad things to them, and the guilty was punished really hardly (since its like you did bad things to God)

I think this was the best society ever, because they were always here to ensure justice among the people without having financial interest in it

a concrete exemple of what they can decide at that time: the Crusades. it was the Clerge who decided to run the Crusades against the muslims. and we all know how that finished (millions of French alpha male who walked 10 000km to destroyed all turkey and Syria then took back Jerusalem. and then they came back walking)


You may well be right in your assessment - my knowledge of constitutional law is far from adequate.

Just out of interest if you did think there was voter fraud that was large enough to change the election result do you think Trump would be entitled to be winner - or do you think by any means necessary it is right to depose of him?

Vengeance is a food that we eat cold. we did this in history several times. (charles martel, Crusades, Charles de Gaule,etc)

always the same configurations : the rats coming to rape and murder the europeans , then the europeans blow the head of the ennemy

Satan and the demons he sent unto our countries wont win against the sons of God

If they find legitimate mass fraud large enough to swing the outcome, give it to Trump. That’s how it should work for any candidate.

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