Political Opinion

For our UK friends; hang in there


its pretty bothering that in this forum we dont see any whites. that’s been several days i see the introductions of the newfags in the forum (ive seen several dozens of introductions)

its always blacks or arabs. rarely latinos or asians. overall there is 90% of newfags that are blacks

but we dont see any whites. thats pretty surprising

This literally is one of the most dummest replies that I have seen on this forum. Most children, even a fool like you, receive help from their daddy. The difference, which you conveniently ignore is whether that help is morally responsible and legal help or totally corrupt.



I responded to a neebie post a while ago from someone from Nigeria and soon after he started sending me private messages trying to catfish me. That’s why I won’t respond to anyone who says they are from Africa. Chances are they may be a scammer.




You are from France correct?? If so you have had your fair share of tragic terror attacks.

France is such a beautiful country blessed with fine food, wine art and history. I enjoyed my time in France.

I don’t know if you have read the book or not but the book “The Strange Death of Europe” Douglas Murray is a great read.




Sorry mate - I hadn’t noticed - but if you say so and I don’t find it bothering at all. And I thik that probably goes for everyone else on the Forum - certainly the Elders - we are just Not racially motivated.

However now you point that possible fact out - let’s take a look at Why that might be.

Young whites with anything passing for a brain - tend to live in wealthier countries and 52% of tehm now go to University in the UK and USA in any case - Now THAT DOES Bother me and if I ever publish my “Arithmetic” thread - you’ll see why exactly. However the young people of All colours in teh wealthier contries who have brains are at university and are busy studying, or are working for a wage.

Many of teh Young people sho come here are from Poor countries and looking for a way out of their poverty and they see Trading as that “WAy out” - so here they come looking to become rich - and as we know 95% + of tehm aren destined to fail sadly. However they at least are showing the initiative to try - so hopefully most of tehm will eventually succeed at Something :sunglasses:

Our kids and grand-kids are busy and I certainly Never suggest Trading to my own kids. It’s just Too hard when you have easier options to earn a living. As I ssaid most of those who say " “Hi” just don’t Have that option.

We Elders are - well Older :slightly_smiling_face: and already have some success in life so we tend to have the time and some spare money to “play with”

Hope that exlanation helps to allay any concerns you may have had. Also we are seeing more girls and youmg women than there were - just out of interest/

Then of course not everyone says “Hi” when they join.


Yes he is Blackduck - I’d missed that connection - Nice one ! - he also seems to be religious and there have been several church / Cathedral burnings

I can also confirm anything by Douglas Murray is well worth the read.


honestly you should make you all little. you wont be able to escape justice. know it.

the people is coming after you and there is nowhere to escape for you

He has a couple in my top ten


@smallpaul moreover you trying to justify the act of violating the freedom of speech mentioned in the article 10 and 11 of the DDHC. in front of a french

this is why my ancestors leave their blood on the ground for and believe me when I say to you that im really really pissed off about that

like the one who flag hidden and signal my posts. your time in front of justice will come, be sure about that. you are the worst that the humanity have known with our ennemies (you are on the same team of our ennemies because you defend them and dare to pass over the rights of us the fair people , you arent more valuable than terrorist/raper/murderer/thiefs/pedophile)

you will be ok, sounds like your hurting inside. i wish you the best

you act like a woman scorned - A woman rejected in love can be very angry and dangerous.

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Bless Your Heart

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yes every president have skeletons in their closet, nothing new

Georgia Senate races may hinge on a small but growing Asian American voter population

Who is the voice in the wind? Who is the candle in the night? Don’t mistake salt for sugar

Cold is with the monkeys ears and toes

yes please keep going, your doing a great job :ok_hand:

Once you recognize that you’re emotionally neglected, and by whom, you will be able to deal with it better and your healing process can begin.

Bless your heart

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