Political Opinion


I think all the Trump team and much of the population want is to count legal votes and not count illegal ones

It’s really that simple - you would have thought the Biden camp would want that exact same thing.


DOJ Investigation of Hunter Biden Goes Beyond Taxes

Pennsylvania house of representatives now joining lawsuit against … Pennsylvania.

Absolutely no voting irregularities in this election folks - yeh right.

Meanwhile the Hunter Biden story is suddenly gaining air time - is it to detract from this massive lawsuit?



Mitch McConnell trashed Democrats for holding up aid to jobless Americans - but the GOP stimulus plan contains zero dollars in extra federal unemployment benefits

GB: Mother attacked with machete while picking up daughter from school, police do not come
"THE victim of a terrifying armed road rage attack says the police did not even send officers to the scene because the suspect had “already escaped”.

The machete-wielding thug was caught on camera crashing into the family’s car as they sat inside with their “traumatized” daughter."

import the third world, become the third world


You do know that the guillotine wasn’t invented until late 18th century :slight_smile:

and you’re still powerless to do anything about it i bet your sick to your stomach knowing that you can’t stop it, so keep complaining and live a miserable life


To be honest your right - I don’t take much of an interest in politics usually - unless it’s market related.

This whole election stuff is akin to doom porn for me right now.

And I’ll be honest my usually happy chirpy self seems to have taken a back seat for something a bit more angry and bitter.

I can’t wait till it’s all over. Yes I could just stop following it I suppose and be merry - maybe I will

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some people will live a miserable life complaining about something they have no control over and before you know life has pass you by.

Yes that is true - the question is if you think something is genuinely wrong should you let it go for peace of mind or make a stand?

It’s very much the western mindset (because of socratic thinking) to argue our point. I see it on this thread all the time. Egos are invested in, and we need to show how ‘right’ we are.

And in itself there is nothing wrong with it.

But I live in a Buddhist country and one of the last things most would be doing is arguing over politics.

Actually that is not strictly true - there are some real underlying political issues here that don’t seem to go away.

But the idea that a Thai would argue with someone for some type of intellectual stimulation is beyond them.

I stand somewhere in the middle - notice for the most part I stand a side from the mudslinging going on in this thread

But back to the original point - I do enjoy politics but it always makes me so damn miserable

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making a stand to who and how has that work out so far, the universe have spoken and there is nothing anybody can do about it, the same rules apply to countries when i say you reap what you sow. your wasting your time so i suggest people go find their personal happiness

“,Just thnk about it - This moment in life is inseperable from this moment on Earth…”

Who said that ? just recently ?

This guy ;-


Who is John Kerry ?

Well - er

So we’re All safe now - being in such knowledgeable and competent hands

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I would not be surprised if they all had RICO cases against them before they ever get to form an administration.

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Attorney General Bill Barr reportedly knew about the Hunter Biden tax probes for months but kept them under wraps before the election

I had to look that up John - so here it is ;

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.Wikipedia

I do hope so mate - but none of them seem to have any respect for the law at all

So we’ll see if they can Evade any responsibility for that as well ! :roll_eyes:

Aye I suspect that politicians have a secret enjoyment of making people miserable. Take for example the current never ending brexit negotiations - give these to a group of business people and it would done and dusted within a week - making everyone happy.

There is one politician that i had great respect for, since passed, and that was John Hume.

He was against unfairness, stood up for ordinary people and wasn’t in it for the money or glory. One of his most common comments was taught to him by his father “you cannot eat a flag”.

If only…

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This all could have been settled back in October when Trump offered Pelosi a 1.8 trillion stimulus package that had bipartisan support, Money would have been in hands of millions of Americans in time for Christmas. Now Pelosi and McConnell fight over a bill that is less than half the size and no direct payments to Americans,

Pelosi is no doubt the evilest politician in the history of America


Not true, early versions date back 200 years earlier, and why of all the things Duc wrote this is what you choice to post about, come on you know lots of people when referring to 1700’s will sometimes call this the 17 century , we all know what he meant

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No i took several actions to stop this. I know there is people who made more than me. but i consider myself that i have done a part of the job(even if thats a little) and im proud about it.

already did:
-a grouped mail to all Archeveque, and churches of france (also several christians associations) redpilling them about islam and was just before the massive terrorist attacks that goes on november so i think that worked
-put litteraly thousands of like on “racist videos”
-signaled to my governement several suspicious radicalized muslims that i saw on the internet
-redpilling random people on forums and chat in the internet (even if thats 10 personns, with the snowball effet they may gonna redpill 10 personns more each others so that make hundred. then the 90 personns gonna redpill 10 personn more each other,etc
-scratched the feminist posters that i saw on the street of my city (destroyed it)
-go to feminist protest to insult the feminists

  • fought several times with arabs overpassing the limits (respect and education)

i know that may sound a little, but that was several hours of my time and im ready to continue my fight. i repeat that yes, some people do more
but there is also people who do nothing: and if that people who do nothing only make little things like me , we werent in that situation anymore since long time.


I prayed several times too.

i know that taking actions is the path to have results, but thanks to remind it to others

yes i know im more at the digital jobs for the reconquest, but it needs to have people in this field. and actually im pretty proud like i said it. because i act smartly and efficiently

need people to go unto protest IRL, need people in digital , needs people in working environment , need people in politics ,etc (everywhere)


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