Political Opinion

Please have the decency to check facts - the earlier versions could not be called guillotine - wny?

Maybe ask Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin - born 1738, died 1814.

He was a doctor and devised the machine to make executions more rapid than the barbaric method then in use.

He later wished to distance himself from his invention - especially when it was being used to execute priests and nuns.

Duc, smallpaul is just a troll, he is only here to get negative responses from members, don’t give him what he wants


ohh yeah i also spammed the public chats of tradingview with maga campaign during 3 months. just for him getting elected (he won , there is an electoral fraud)

and i have french friend that insulted biden every day down below his tweet on his official twitter accout (saying that he is a pedophile, a senile , a mafia ,etc). we grab some points by our sweat , little by little

we wont go back in front of nothing , we will front the danger and we will win with the help of THE ALMIGHTY , THE LORD OF LORDS; THE SAINT OF SAINTS, THE KING OF KINGS

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let him know that we are here , solid and determinated.


Duke of Burgundy - you seem to have a dislike of Arabs, Muslims, and generally people who you consider etrangere - maybe I’m wrong - so maybe you enjoy a little role-play?

Let’s imagine that you are no longer a 23yr old, let’s say d’un certain age.

Imagine that you have to undergo major surgery to save your life. You meet the surgeon and he is from Egypt, an immigrant and probably follows the muslim faith. He tells you that scans are good but his hands are best - you are filled with confidence.

Then you meet the anesthetist - she is fro EU and tells you that she will keep you alive during surgery - you are filled with confidence.

Then you meet a nurse, she is local and you are aware a devout Christian - she tells you she will take good care of you - you are filled with confidence.

Then you wake early from the surgery and all you can see are demons filled with anger. The anesthetist says not to worry and quickly you go asleep, the demons gone.

Then you awake again, this time no demons, just the face of an angel - the nurse - whispering in your ear that the surgeon did a successful job and all is well.

So which of these are the better - the Arab surgeon, the EU anesthetist or the devout Christian nurse.

Or is it a case of la meme chose?

Right off the pages of Wikipedia, and all I said was their where earlier versions , and called you out on the 1700’s vs 17th century, but this whole conversation is nothing but semantics , and a bit silly


man your stress level must be high, any way do what’s best for you


be logic. even when there wasnt the guillotine at that time, it has other execution method (butcher, cut head with sword ,etc)

and you cant put a priest on that, i repeat its a sacrilege. a real priest i say

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indeed. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees .


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Here in America that was spoken by George Washington and was the inspiration for those who died at Ft McHenry , and author of the Star Spangled Banner Francis Scott Key. it is said after the battle the only thing holding the flag up was the bodies of the dead solders who would not surrender.



As the good duke would say - if he is French - d’accord.

half french ,half jewish

here you got the “racist, homophobic, sexist” monster that i am :joy:

and you?


Btw - if you wish to learn history I use a site called history.com - you will find it much more informative - but each to his own

I will check it out , it is hard to get to the truth here in America as history is being rewritten and Wikipedia has a lot of bias and flat out lies

this site is just the Histroy Channel , 20 years ago the History and Discovery channels were 90% of my TV watching, now they are more into fake reality shows, but you can still find the good stuff on YouTube

We recognize it as being wrong when a particular segment claims superiority based on skin color or religion. Therefore we should not fall into the same mode of thinking.

If you knew what the Pope and the Vatican have done you would alight your high horse in a hurry if you are truly righteous. Revelations coming very soon.

I do understand where you are coming from. :slightly_smiling_face:


Skin color should not matter, if you are a true follower of Christ and obey his teachings then the criminal acts you describe would not happen, there is a clear lack of morels and respect for others in the Muslim community and many high ranking Muslims have pointed this out.

When pointing these things out we must not become the very thing we oppose


You are saying on an open forum what a lot of people only say behind cloased doors.




yes of course. as long they live in their country there isnt problems

I may become close to what we oppose if the results is saving innocents lives and punishing guilts. wont feel any remorse for this

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You are right. I have met a lot of Sudanese and the Christian Sudanese are beautiful friendly people. Well dressed and polite. The Muslim Sudanese are aggressive rude and will stab you for 50 cents and your phone.




when the justice isnt made by the adequate institutions (e.g criminals of all sort that lives free in our streets + innocent christians persecuted in middle east), then the citizen have to take back control over the justice system and that imply armed milice and extra-judiciary sentence. this is a natural process

this is a shame that we are aiming to that archaic system, but thats the fault of the lack of professionalism and lack of dignity/morals of our institutions