Political Opinion

He is the guy who back in 1995 said that by 2010 because of global warming there would no longer be snow in the United States, So with that pedigree I cannot think of anyone better to continue this hoax on the world

Al Gore is out there laughing as his fortunes grow

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That is pretty standard - and when you are getting the better of the argument He deflects by coming up with something of the form
 a man once said
A song

Peter wont argue with this because he says he has blocked me :wink:
And even if he hasn’t - he can’t admit to seeing it ! :rofl:

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And Bezos has just “Invested” (He says “Donated”) $791 million into Global Warming and says he will “Donate” another $6 Billion ! -

Now when Bill Gates started his ‘Foundation’ he said to make war on disease and encourage good health in poor countries by vaccination - suddenly we get “BAT-FLU” and "Vaccination passports semi compulsory !

Ker-Ching - - $$$$$$$ :laughing: :laughing:

so these Bums do not do ANYTHING "out of the goodness of their hearts "

SO regarding your earlier stateme nt about us “looking for crumbs” - Any ideas where we could find a few on this GLOBAL WARMING SCAM ?

Do you think we should have a thread on this "Follow the money" stuff ?

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Jeez man ! So you’re White, Male, Jewish Patriach from France - Can you actually Get any more TOXIC than that ? :rofl:

No wonder you’ve "got a bit of a monk on" (monk is Northern english slang and means the same as “Cob” - they both mean a 'sulky anger :wink:

So I assume the Jewish bit is Eastern European or Ashkenazi Jew (who have an average IQ one full standard deviation Above “Normal” at around 115 ! (in some cases a little more as per one Einstein fella

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And in the real world millions of Americans are jobless, lost their business and can’t access healthcare do to the high cost. If Bezos was here I would spit in his face, but that would make me no better than him, so I will let someone else spit in his face and give the YouTube video showing it a thumbs up


We just need to see what companies where big Biden supporter, they will be looking for pay back, that is why I see nothing happening with the suit against Facebook

And a dedicated thread to this subject would be good, I made money during both Obama and Trump, Continuing with Biden should be simple

Funny how all these billionaires claim to be donating half their wealth but according to Forbes their net-worth keeps going up

Most of them follow the Clinton Foundation model, you create a Foundation and donate to yourself, so the money never actually leaves your pocket

And that Scottish woman “Wee Jimmy Crankie” is attempting to make even that illegal here in the UK !


 did I imagine that you do not respond to a new member simply because they are from Africa?

Yeah, lots of guys try that - doesn’t work - but worth a shot - you never know - there are always gullible people :slight_smile:

Nothing strange about that - just reminiscing today about what happened to me 40 years ago - I had just started up, moved into premises about 2 weeks - a guy came in with a sob story about his wife in hospital etc - needing a loan of ÂŁ20.00

Not much but was a lot to me back then - I sensed a scam but couldn’t take the chance.

So gave the money and we have a saying in Ireland - let all bad luck go with it.

And it proved to be so.

There are people out there who are givers (not doormats as suggested by a member) and there there are users.

The givers will always receive:

Manchester tech boss makes 74 of his employees millionaires | Daily Mail Online

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That’s exactly what is happening.

There are still accusations of all these “illegal votes”, and still no evidence of them existing. There’s no factual basis that suggests “illegal” votes have decided the election. Because they didn’t.

The “Trump won because of the illegal votes” farce isn’t funny anymore. It’s a threat to the democracy of this nation.

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Mate - you’re from USA - @anon29700983 and I are from Europe - the problem we have is different from what you have. to wit ;

This is NOTHING to so with skin colour - I have many friends who are Sikh, Hindu, and some brown ones I couldn’t tell yu what religion they are - This IS about Religion (as a great many deaths and bloodshed have been over the centuries)

These are invariably Muslim and from pretty specific areas too - It’s not even ALL Muslims. for example Mahyar Tousi - I often link to on here and here and here’s another one Majiid Nawaz - on precisely what we are referring to ! (only 2 minutes long)

Here he does 7 minutes with a Pakistani Muslim man who is in denial - you really have to listen to this if you want to understand the english problem

Now 5 minutes about what the Quran says about women (listen for the bit where he asks "Is your wife happy" ?

Now tell me it’s about “Skin Colour” !

I’m NOT although I am happy to say that generally speaking we live by the Judeo-Christian value system in teh West - and I’m fine with that

My Grandfather HATED the Catholic Church with a vengeance and I do not blame him at all !
Things can sometimes be too complex to say "If you believe

As Majid Nawaz points out - Their holy book and their own Imams ARE part of teh problem - so There seems to be something wrong with your statement there.

Now you say

Please explain what you mean by that in this context ?

Let me give you an example from my own life

about 15 years ago I got a phnecall from my “ex” saying that our 14 year old daughter was playing truant and was in a house with “Some men” - we were living in one of “Thoose towns” at the time and the police wouldn’t go and get her - so what SHOULD I have done ?

Well I went and picked up my ex - we left her new boyfriend cowering under the table and drove to “the house” and together we demanded admission by way of hammerring on the door and pushing our way in TOGETHER !

There were 4 of them - I held them at bay while she went and grabbed our daughter and got in the car. What SHOULD we have done ? Then we left.

Years later my daughter said

“My Dad is my hero - he Headbutted one of them !”

So is That recist ? is it about skin-colour ?

What SHOULD I have done so as not to

Ok mate - rant over ! :wink:


Oh my lord. There is a lot of Scottish blood running through my veins as my mum is third generation Scot and I love Scotland. Such a beautiful country. But seriously she is one angry little ant with a dogged socialist attitude.



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You say and I quote "Hmmm
 did I imagine that you do not respond to a new member simply because they are from Africa?

So what are you saying?? What are you trying to insinuate??

I am a very perceptive person and I KNOW what you are trying to say. My question to you do you have the conviction to actually say what is on your little mind??


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Care to explain???

In what context are you using this comment??

I’m guessing you won’t have the conviction to explain this either.


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Maybe that was a different duck?

Edit: as to the door mat - try google ‘babypips blackduck door mat’

Maybe yet another duck perhap?

GOP-controlled Senate defies Trump and easily passes $741 billion defense bill despite the president’s veto threat

The Senate on Friday passed a $741 billion defense bill with a veto-proof majority, 84-13.

Lol -Peut etre we have met before :slight_smile:

More serious - what do you think of this guy - the non US guys won’t know him but I’ll guess you do.

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Antony Blinken répond aux questions de Léa Salamé - YouTube

No the same DUCK.

This is typical of you. You make a snide comment then when asked to put your comment in context and state the meaning behind your comment you just requote and then dance around the subject matter like a fairy on a toad stool.

I KNOW what I said and I KNOW what context those comments were made.

So my QUESTION to you AGAIN is in what context did you make the following comments and what are you insinuating??

If you want to critique my comments be brave enough to call a spade a spade and say what you really mean.


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